
Friday, February 14, 2025

Friday night's gifs













  1. #7 So that's who keeps leaving sketchy holes in front of the berm.

    I was never allowed to carry grenades because I couldn't throw for shit. I actually nailed someone in training with an inert dummy grenade and had to carry them up a few hills. Nope, I didn't get to throw much of anything in my younger years, so the ability didn't develop well.

    - Arc

    1. The basic training for grenade instruction was stupid (~1980). It was really just an introduction and make sure nobody got their heads blown off. We were never allowed to see where what we were throwing was going, so sure as shit if you came anywhere near a target it was a freaking miracle. "qualifying" really meant you you could pull a pin and get rid of it in the right general direction without killing yourself (or your drill).

    2. We had a guy from the Gerber knife-making clan get hit with one of the practice grenades we were tossing around the quad in basic.

      When the rhythmic "hwoot-hwoot-hwoot" as the air flowed past the open fuze well changed to the sound of a pipe hitting an apple tree, everyone stopped.

      There was the poor kid, out cold, with the middle of his forehead skin smashed and spidered, a lot of blood.

      They had to cut just behind his ears over the top, peel the skin forward, saw open his cranium and superglue his sinuses back to the inside of his skull.

      He visited us a couple weeks later and said he was finishing his training the next year.

      Good times.

    3. Fort Jackson, 1964. We were in a concrete sort of enclosure with a big funnel in the floor so if you dropped the grenade it went down the hole to safety, I assume. That guy is throwing overhanded but we were taught to push it which I never understood. Couldn't get any distance that way.

    4. @Arc Were your arms broken when you were a child?

    5. Henry, how the Hell do you "push" a grenade? I was at Fort Jackson in 69.
      We threw the thing like a baseball. I think
      maybe you're thinking about when you were playing softball with the girls.

    6. @Anonymous February 15, 2025 at 8:56 AM

      Not that I recall. I have broken a toe, finger, and possibly fractured my nose in the past, but that's about it. Throwing anything, even a stick to knock pecans from a tree, wasn't approved of.

      - Arc

    7. This is a perfect example of (a) DEI's failure in the US military and (b) allowing trannies and faggots to enlist.

    8. I'll bet you can throw a mean fit...

    9. @Arc You never disobeyed your parents?

    10. When I was in ITR in 1971, the range was manned by short timers back from Vietnam. One guy in my company threw one, it went just about straight up and exploded probably five feet in front of the berm. We were assembled in formation facing in one direction while that poor fool was dragged behind us and had his uniform arranged, to use the proper term. Nobody wanted to survive Vietnam and die in a training mishap. go figure.

  2. #7 And that solider was given up for a month?

  3. #2 Pretty sure those are honeybees, and he's rolling out a pollen patty. Based on the gloves he's wearing, size of the flying bugs, etc.

    Not sure why you'd do that where the bees can get to it, but to each their own, I guess.

    John G.

    1. Reminds me of when I was on KP in basic training. Pans of cake batter laying out, flys landing but not all getting picked off. Crunchy raison cake on the menu that day.

    2. I want that sub recipe !


  4. #8 - definitely a democrat
    #2 - them is flying raisins, just a bit more protein in the dough

  5. Replies
    1. "That" is a pungent pile of greasy meat.
      Or were you asking about the giro meat on the rotisserie?

    2. It's gyro lamb. I'm not sure how they make it, but it's a big meat cylinder that they put in a vertical rotisserie and slice off hunks from the side.

      What I want to know is, where is that? 'Cuz I don't want to order a sandwich there.

  6. Gyro tower: it's a vertical rotating skewer of meat that is roasted by rotating close to hot elements. The meat is thinly sliced and put into peta bread with yogurt, tomato, and red onion slices.

    1. Tzatziki. Made w strained yogurt, strained cukes, garlic, olive oil and dill.
      Never Yogurt straight.
      Traditional onlybwith shaved onions and tomato. Now you get gyro stuffed w French fries.
      Meat is typically lamb

  7. I would have stabbed that nasty bastard.

  8. Replies
    1. likely as not a broken pelvis. he will not forget that.

    2. His kids will be born with concussions.

  9. #3 “Ow! My Balls!”

  10. I never believed it to be true, until I was instructing grenade deployment. ( Identify your ordnance, they tell what it is labeled. Prep the pin. Proper grip, spoon in thumb/hand notch, and they apply. Identify your target. Insert finger in ring, and rotate out of safety, and observe it is done. Pull the ordnance to your center, and pull pin. Verify your pin is clear. Announce, and deploy. Cover. ) They tried to throw the pin!. I was on their grenade side, and clamped it before they let it drop.. No, other way, just that bad.

    1. What do you do when a Polish soldier throws a pin at you? Run like hell, he's got the grenade in his teeth.


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