
Monday, February 03, 2025

Porn’s Diabolical Appeal

Acoalition of commercial pornographers, styling themselves as the “Free Speech Coalition,” is asserting that Texas is threatening their First Amendment liberties by making them legally responsible for verifying the age of viewers who use their websites.

Anyone operating with a vestige of a moral compass, however, should sense something farcical in the pornographers’ preening efforts to claim the moral high ground. Yet given the state of precedent, they have reason to expect the Supreme Court to side with them and prevent Texas from enforcing a law to stop porn from flooding into children’s minds.


  1. I doubt that the Founding Fathers envisioned unhinged women taking five black cocks in their ass as protected speech under the First Amendment…

    1. Yup, they definitely would have drawn the line at four, possibly three.

  2. They already have that box to check where you say your 18. What more does Texas need? I can't imagine a 15 year old boy checking that box on purpose.

  3. This is not a free speech issue no matter what the Supreme Court rules... As a consumer if I want to buy alcohol or cigarettes and look close to being 21 or in some places no matter what your age you have to present ID to purchase... I'm not anti-porn but it's just not a subject that should be available everywhere for everyone to have access to

  4. Funny how the left is anti-porn to protect women's feelings, but is pro-porn when it comes to kids.

  5. The solution is simple:
    Punitively TAX every image broadcast and received.
    That’s it.
    50$ to send a dick pic, and 50$ to RECIEVE IT.
    1000$ to broadcast a porn film, 1000$ to stream. downloads 10,000$ (for EVERY INSTANCE.)
    We know when you view and how much you view, we photograph YOU your entire viewing time.
    We know everything already. Expect a BILL.
    The first year we will rake in trillions, the second year zero.

    Your pal

  6. Instead of debating the porn angle. People need to be educated enough to understand that America and our system of representation was designed to govern a civil and moral people. Our system is completely inadequate to govern current democrats and or their democracy. .

  7. Remember when water was free and you had to pay for porn...


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