
Monday, March 17, 2025

Cute, but scatterbrained as hell

A neuroscientist turned OnlyFans model suffered a near-fatal motorcycle crash caused by a bird — leaving her to confront life with memory loss.


  1. "I’m basically half metal now because of all the pins and plates in me". Exaggerate much?

  2. A "neuroscientist"? Looks like another example of the 21st century higher educational system at work. Fortunately, even after all those extensive facial and body injuries, because they're made of steel her thighs survived.

    1. Remember when a butterfly would hit you between the eyes. Instant smear on you goggle lenses. I loved riding. Had some close calls but would do it all again in a heartbeat. I stopped riding around my seventies. I wasn't a ride around town, look at me kind of guy. Like those Ape Hanger pictures posted the other day. Arms up like that what could you do ten miles before your hands were numb? I liked tours. For a day ride it was usually the Blue Ridge or The Skyline Parkway.

  3. Back when I thought I was 'bulletproof' I rode a motorcycle. When I recall the several close calls I had, I shiver. I sympathize with this woman. I hope she recovers completely.

    1. Coming home from work about 4 in the morning when I was 18 years old, an owl flew into my helmet. I had just left a stop sign and was only doing about 20-25 mph so no injuries to speak of, but it tore up my bike when I tumbled off of it.

    2. I have over 50k miles of road under my butt on a large bike. Never had an accident, but came close too many times...had a buzzard nearly take me down doing about seventy mph, locked up the rear wheel going about seventy when some idiot women pulled out in front of me; took my brand new michlen down to the cords, and narrowly missed a truck's large coil spring laying in the road on a turn. Sold the bike when some dumbass teen ran a stop sign and almost took me out. Bikes are the best convertible rides out there, I loved my road trips thru Colorado on twisty roads...too bad others in autos are on the road.

    3. I hit a huge swarm of bees once. It was right at dusk and I didn't see it, next time I know I'm getting stung like crazy.. Some were dead outside my t-shirt but a whole lot was inside and these were just pissed.. I was wearing an open face helmet and they got me from my face down to my waist.. swelling up and definitely uncomfortable but didn't drop the bike ..

  4. Looks like she was going highway speeds on a residential street.

  5. That's a hard lesson. I parked my bike under a Chevy Impala back in '68. Came out of it with nothing but sore and road rash, lots of road rash. I hit the curb with the top of my Bell 500 helmet. At the emergency room, the Doctor, after questioning me an oddly long time, said "I think it's safe to take off his helmet". When it came off, I could see what everyone else had been staring at. The top of the helmet looked like a hard boiled egg had been cracked, with circular, radiating cracks.
    Mom always said I had a good guardian angel, this time she said " I must have a crew of guardian angels!". I have so many "It's better to be lucky than good" incidents in my life, that a couple decades back, I decided I must have a squad of special forces guardian angels. My wife, of almost 5 decades, could reel off a half dozen eye opener, near deadly "incidents" without even thinking about it in nothing flat.
    Since I don't believe in luck, I give much thanks to my "rode hard" squad of angels and of course to their supervisor, God. Apparently, they're keeping me around until I "get" it. At 74, I've had more than my fair share of hard knocks. "Probably" not more than 2/3's were self induced, so, "poor, poor, pitiful me!" Sung in my best Terri Clark voice.


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