
Monday, January 09, 2012

The Big Bad Wolf

Got these pictures of wolves taken on Idaho tags in an email from Orbitup the other day.
If you're a PETAphile or one of those folks that believe that there are no predators in the world and we can co-exist with nature, don't even bother commenting. For one, I don't want to hear your fucking opinion and #2, you ain't gonna say nothing I haven't already heard before from a dozen other cowardly anonymous motherfuckers.



  1. Can you imagine domesticating one of those? I know, I know, you got CGD but those fuckers are huge!!

    No one would come NEAR your house.


  2. Now Lisa knows why I refer to CGD as being small with the amount of wolf he has in him.

  3. Fuck me runnin'. Them is big dogs.
    Fuckers could kill a bear.

  4. YOWIE!
    I knew they were bigger than "average" dogs, but those suckers are fucking HUGE!

  5. Yeah, I can see where a pack of those could bring down an elk.

  6. At least one of those, the one in the top three horizontal pics was taken in Alberta 2009, not Idaho.

  7. Man I'm used to E. Tex wolves being the size of a German Shep.

    Shit...those are Shetland pony size.

  8. HOLY CRAP!...thanks for posting these, wirecutter! To restate the obvious...those critters are some BIG mofo's!

  9. Those are twice the size of our MN Timberwolf...

  10. Woof! I've seen some wolf/dog hybrids, and they're big enough. I'll never complain about coyotes again.

  11. Can we relocate a pack or two down here to the southside of Chicago. Between the shitheads and the leftist pukes they'd have plenty of food.

  12. Have friends who have a couple of 90% Eastern Timber wolf hybrids I thought were big; compared to these...

  13. holy crap I heard some wolves got big, and you read about the dire wolves being large, but these pics are insane. I never thought they would be 7 feet tall with heads twice the size of a man. what are these things eating? whatever it is, they eat a lot of it.

    btw, just found your blog, and I fucking love it. I linked from Doug Ross who I read daily.

    thanks from the bottom of my American heart for constantly telling Emperor Barack Ogabe to Fuck Off! I do it every single day, multiple times. and his hateful Black Grinch wife who makes me want to vomit (look at her and the Grinch side by side).

  14. Replies
    1. Yes it is......... what horrible thing to do

    2. Patricia, I love you. What an amicable response. Way to take the high ground. Oh yeah, Obama 2012!!!!


  16. You send me ANONYMOUS comments calling us punks and motherfuckers?
    Sounds to me like you're the punk, you fucking coward.

  17. Yeah, real horrible until one of them EATS one of your kids.
    Or your dog.
    Or maybe your sweet, precious, adorable little kitty.....

  18. You will die a miserable death. You will get what you deserve.

  19. I hope you get eaten by a wolf. You are the problem with mankind.

  20. Hey! What's with all these nasty remarks? I thought hippies were supposed to be all peaceful and Kum-buy-ah and shit.

  21. Don't worry, Ken. These kind and their ilk will be among the first to perish when TSHTF.

  22. I don't hunt. I have my mother, alevasholem, to thank for instilling in me a healthy respect for nature and its creatures and to not take joy in killing. Having said that, I also got a healthy dose of "judge not, lest ye be judged" from the same woman.

    The dicks commenting here , if they are anti-hunting, should go commune with nature. I can suggest a few places: The great white shark breeding ground off of Limantour beach in California, alligator alley here in Florida, or maybe the Australian outback where any number of fearsome and deadly creatures roam, instead of sitting in your room in front of your computer like a bunch of pussies, starting shit with people who are minding their own fucking business.

  23. Damn Ken.

    You get all the best trolls. All I get is dhanna59.

    I should start posting pictures of every cat I find run over in the street. Maybe that'll help.

    Damn dude. I just (finally) noticed the "Hater Blog" graphic in your sidebar. LOL. You're funnier than you look...

  24. Yo Top:

    Regarding that "Hater Blog" gotta be a special kind of asshole to receive that award. Wire-dragger earned his the hard way...


  25. It is a shame that we have to hunt these animals so as to cut down on the attacks on the domesticated animals that we have and as protection against them invading our homelands and killing us. They are wonderful looking animals. Taming one for a pet what are you going to feed it? And of course you are going to clean up after it also? NOT!
    Just too bad we can not use the same procedures to hunt down illegal invading aliens instead of wasting our time and money in keeping them confined and feeding them.

  26. I think that it is horrible in any case. I mean, really we are the ones that originally encroached on their lands with our relentless expansion. I used to have a domesticated wolf, I believe she was a Grey, but none the less, I loved that animal. I understand that some people were angry about their pets getting killed, or their live stock getting killed. I still think that these are majestic animals that deserve life. I understand that every one has their own opinions, and that anything I say won't change anything... still felt I would put in my two cents.

    Oh yeah.... FUCK OBAMA.

  27. Oh rednecks will you ever learn

  28. i wish i could be just like you guys, a bunch of inbred cousin humping raccoon molesting wolf cool -_-

  29. Well, first of all Anonymous, you have to have balls enough to talk shit and then use your real name. Then maybe your mommy will let you start out with a slingshot and then you can move up to BB guns, then real guns. At some point you can decide to hunt or not, that's your own decision, but by then you would've learned to respect other peoples' rights and to keep your fucking mouth shut about matters that don't concern you.

    1. Wirecutter u are a brave man with your guns in Glasgow I would have you crying in the fucking street you product of incest hillbilly fuckwit I would fly over n kick your arse but I'm not allowed in to America. It says anonymous but my name is Steven Malarkey and if you're ever in Scotland look me up so I can smash your fucking face in you pathetic little redneck cunt ! I hope Isis behead your whole family you cunt ! Got a reply find me on facebook

  30. Well, I beleive in hunting. Altho I still feal bad for that wolf pack, three wolves shorter and an even harder time trying to get food. And wolves were comletly extinked in America, You live in about the only state in America that has wolves so, be pick carfully next time you shoot a wolf.
    Name: Idiot

  31. I'm not a coward, and I won't use foul language, and I will not be referred to as a MF, so you will have my name...

    I realize that this is a free country, and that you are entitled to your idea of what passes for, whatever it is that you feel you're doing, as distasteful as it is to me (and millions of others to be sure)... and I'm aware that I could simply move on after this accidental and horrible discovery of what some of the quite negative beings on this planet are still capable of doing to animals (it's cruelty, make no mistake... you don't eat them I'm sure, nor do you look to be starving...)

    Yet, I have to be grateful to you for your crooked ways and lethal attitudes, because they allow me to move in the opposite direction... while you maintain the balance on the dark end, I get to live the way I want as well.

    I'm sure you won't understand the meaning behind this message and will dismiss it as mere drivel from someone who disagrees with you and your mindset... at the least I'm pretty sure you'll bash me in some way, shape or form as an idiot or worse. You don't seem to be very open-minded, so I won't be surprised. I also realize I'm throwing a pearl before a sow... it just didn't seem right to look the other way without at least stating the obvious about the massacre and injustice you're committing.

    I'd love to see how many hunters were left if the animals had guns too... you just never know when the tables will turn...

  32. Sure Patricia, everybody needs somebody to look down on.
    I'm sure you have nothing in your life that somebody would consider to not be normal or moral.
    Good girl.

    1. Where do you guys live like what town?

  33. I most definitely have things that others might consider deeply abnormal or upsetting to their current world view. I accept that not everyone will agree with me, and that certainly others will find certain aspects of my beliefs and practices distasteful.

    I tend to keep the more controversial topics to myself for the reason that 1. it's no one else's business, and 2. I'd rather not invite the disagreeable comments and incite others to do so to begin with. Nothing good ever comes of breeding negativity in the pursuit of your own happy lifestyle ~ and to each his own certainly.

    Had I the inclination to find like-minded individuals to share my views, I might consider a private blog available by invitation only, or perhaps a disclaimer and an 18+ restriction on admittance so that unsuspecting people (or youngsters) perusing the web wouldn't simply stumble upon it.

    Thank you for responding without malice.

  34. Listen up primitives.

    I know that most of you spend all your time celebrating your dicks, big or small. I know that you look at nature and see the massive melting pot of life feeding on life, and feel that strong, reptilian part of your brain screaming to climb back into the primordial muck that we all came from. I'm no pussy, I get it, believe me.

    I know you have an inbred, xenophobic streak toward "them" and you know exactly who I'm talking about; Leftists, tree huggers, hippies, non-Christians, niggers, women, commies, vegetarians, fags, critics of America (unless you guys are the ones doing the bitching) and robots.

    The thing is that you need to realize you are NOT guaranteed the God-given spot on the top of the food chain forever. I know you ride in your pickups (you know the ones with those classy iron balls dangling from the bottom) with some juvenile rhetoric about Obama, or your right to bear arms or whatever the hell it is you people stand for when your not out slaying animals or watching Fox news.

    I know you love your guns, and your camo, and your hummingbird fish finders, your deer bait, tree stands ...lmao... that always cracks me up, all your technology and you are sitting in a fucking tree where the deer or bear can't possibly see you, then you grab your kill and take a picture like you fucking accomplished something. The mountain men of the old west would roll in their graves to see what became of their descendants.

    The not so diplomatic point I'm trying to make is that its ok to be stupid, entitled, vain, apathetic, cruel, greedy, narcissistic, and even ignorant.

    It is NOT ok to go about in such ways as if they are virtues. Even though we now live in an almost limitless technological age, with thousands of food choices that don't require fucking with nature, or killing shit in ways that completely eliminate any personal risk or challenge to yourselves; you insist on not only failing to evolve, but deliberately choosing to stay that way.

    I have no problem with doing what you have to do to survive, but I do have a problem with a bunch of rednecks that kill other creatures for sport because it is (please see above list of berating reasons).

    Here is one last thing that I know:

    There will come a day when all of the shit sprinkles that make up your red, white, and blue world fall, and even though you all think you are Rambo, or William H. Bonnie, or whatever highly exaggerated versions of yourselves you see in the mirror, you will fall to.

    When your GPS fails and there is no government to save you, and all the Mexican drug cartels, abandoned prison populations, and all kinds of other assorted undesirables (both foreign and domestic) come looking for your home, and your wife/daughter's ass; all of your "hunting" skills aren't going to mean SHIT.

    And, you will deserve it. Because you will no longer be at the top of the food chain.

    Sincerely, "Anonymous" (because I'm afraid you will use your GPS deer trackers to hunt me down and beat me up....yeah, better bring your brass truck nuts.)

  35. My my my, aren't we feeling super self righteous today.
    Go back to your video games, asshole.

    See Patricia, I told you everybody needs somebody to look down.

  36. Hey I admit that guy is an asshole, but what's wrong with video games? :P

  37. I had a tooth pulled today and I'm not on top of my game - it was the only thing I could come up with.

    1. You are clearly a no life jerk off, and I will tell you why. Someone with a career, or even a job that requires more education than the 8th grade, wouldn't have time to repost after every anonymous user tells really how much of a tool you are. So maybe you should try to put the guns down, and go finish high school. Your comments are childish. You are poking fun at this Patrica, who seems to be a very pleasant woman. She politely told you how she thought you were a dick, and you demean her. I am curious why? Do you treat women that way because your drunk daddy beat your hooker mom? Do you have hostilities towards others because, most likely after beating your Mama , he beat you?

      See I am not afraid to tell you my names its Mike and actually have a well paying job. A job that could afford me to fly to you and kick the living piss out of you. I will meet you anytime anywhere and I will enjoy making you swallow blood. I will wait for you to call me a coward, and some names. But, perhaps we can arrange this fight, and I have never been more serious about anything in my life.

  38. hey i the anynomus dudde with the really long complante about rednecks and animals i gota say u make some good points but america wont ie in a day and people that live in the sticks wont haft to worry about drug cartels wondering the hill sides for billy bob and little daisy people adapt to every situation but ok to the guy who runs this site 1 stop killing wolves go kill some drug dealers rapist and murders break a thiefs hands with a baseball bat u can hate obama and ot pay taxes i dont care what u do im in the military cause i want u to have fun and do whatever the fuck it is u wana do but i would appreciet u not killing more of whats becomeing an indangered species u seem like a cool dude i love guns their not taking mine but come on dude thier are goin on 7 billion people in the world go kill one of the bad ones like a terrorist or some kkk dude hangin black people cause darky gota pay cause he aint white or even a nazi party like the skin heads people bad wolves good i choose to do it legally and only kill the people the military told/tells me to makes life easier from MR.dont give a fuck


  40. I don't kill wolves. I also don't tell other people what to do.

  41. Probably not a good time to mention that I'm a coyote hunter, huh?

  42. Killing to protect your self is acceptable, but killing for pleasure is something completely different. Shame on you people :(

  43. You probably don't want to hear about the lambs I've seen that were ripped from the ewe and then just left by the coyotes, huh Vladimir?

    Fucking liberals, always need to get in other peoples' business.

  44. i hate people like you that kill for a sport just to get a pic with that animal ya i hope u feel good killing a wolf that most likey had a faimly burn in hell fucker

  45. I don't hunt for sport, motherfucker. I hunt predators so that cute and cuddly lambs and fawns and yes, even puppies and kittens can have a chance at life.

    Don't tell me how to run my life, you little bitch.

  46. why kill wolves, wolf? what the hell are you thinking about? poor wolves family :/

  47. So i guess is fair to say the bigger the dead wolf the smaller the hunter's dick.

  48. Hey man, im a liberal and I 100% support what you are doing here so try not to generalize like that. not all of us are petiole oil hippies... just most of us.

  49. Bob Villa - why are you thinking about hunter's dicks? Is that how YOU get your thrills?

  50. This is just cruel! Yes they are big but they are beautiful animals. I dont understand how people can sit there and take an innocent wolfs life who might have a family depending on them just like we do. There animal but they also have feelings too. STOP KILLING WOLVES!!!!!!! It is 100% not okay to kill it just for fun! Who else agrees with me? Help me save the wolves and keep them from going extinct (dont think i spelt that right)
    Written by lizzy.... Motherfucker!

  51. Well fuck, Lizzie, why stop at saving the wolves? What about all the little fawns and elk calves they kill to eat? What about the ones they kill and don't eat? Are you going to save them too, Lizzie? Wait, you can't save big lovable wolves and Bambi both....

  52. I cannot believe that such sad sick people actually get off killing such beautiful animals. Hope you come back as a toad in your next life!

  53. think showing pictures of dead wolves that you've killed is a part of your "conservative humor blog". your sick and you speak like you never got past the third grade. am with 'anonymous, from may 21st", I hope you all come back as toad's...after you rotted in hell.

  54. Cierra Nichole Fluhart (call me CC)May 24, 2012 at 12:41 AM


  55. The wolves are predators going after the food you so love to eat. They kill farmers' livestock. They kill your little neighbors' Chihuahua (tastes like chipotle chicken). More importantly... they feed us. How? You see, we feast on your tears. Every time we kill a wolf, you cry. Every time you cry, we feast.

    1. Someone should end your life.

  56. Hell, as soon as the season opens on liberals- the wolves will get a break!

  57. If that was my little girl who told you off like that, I would check into having her comitted and on whether or not I could bring her in for medicated therapy, if only because the law would not allow me to kick her ass from here to Carnarsie (as used to be done when I was a kid). I truly doubt that was written by an 11 year old kid, probably more likely a 35 to 50 year old, lost soul of a yenta, to whom no one listens and about who very few, if any, give a darn.

    Seems like one thing is for certain, you have been targeted by the petafiles.

    All the best,

  58. All of these people who are bitching about the poor wolf would no doubt have no reservations about aborting a baby. How fucked up is that?

  59. Thank you CV71, thank you very much.

    1. Your hooker mom should of aborted you.

  60. Nice disclosure. Maybe if you were not an offensive piece of shit people wouldn't leave nasty comments. And you wouldn't say things like that unless you wanted to get a reaction out of people. The only reason I'm writing you is because I was looking for wolf reference on google and came across your blog. Your rash and insignificant. If your going to say fuck Obama give a reason why to say fuck Obama. At least back up your bullshit out calls. And take down those shitty pictures because its cruel and unjust. Don't compare killing a wolf to abortion either they don't relate to each other. If you want them to relate to each other then string up a baby just like the wolf and then see the reaction. It would be wrong. Life is life whether it is a wolves or a baby. Enjoy your pathetic little life and living with close mindedness.

  61. You read my disclosure yet you still left a shitty comment as Anonymous. You're a fucking keyboard coward.

    I don't give a flying fuck what you think about me so quit wasting your breath.

    It's too bad your mother was a conservative, otherwise you'd just be another rotting fetus in the trash and the world would be a better place.
    - Kenny Lane
    Ceres, CA

  62. Just imagine if those wolves were running loose in a gun free urban area. there wouldn't be anybody hangin out on the street corners. every one could go home early and get a good nights sleep and maybe get a job when they woke up early in the morning. If there was a wolf refuge area along the southern border that might cut down on the illegal entry problem we have. If you think about it wolves could be the solution to many of our modern problems

  63. Damn man, you did stir up a hornets nest of shit there, eh? Coming from a person that grew up in an area with a lot of wolves, I don't think a single one of these illiterate fuckers would last a week in the woods. And would be begging for help as soon as a wolf took out their family pet.

    And specifically to the person that eats "without messing with nature", what the hell are you eating? Everything you put in your mouth is messed up if you buy it from a grocery store. If your answer is that you are vegan, your veggies are genetically modified. If you are growing your own food, which I highly doubt, what about the trees and plants that you cut down to plant a garden? You messed with nature. Again, doubt you are growing your own, as Lord knows the majority have hands just as soft as their brains.

  64. Thanks, Sara. Very valid points. Obvious as hell to folks like us, but they need somebody to point them out.

    If you think these comments are bad, you should see my email.

  65. Yay, Sara!
    I used to ask my vegan "friends" just how loud their carrots screamed as they forcefully ripped them out of Mother Earth!
    NONE of them thought it was "funny", and a couple actually turned pale when they thought about it!

  66. First of all, you don't piss me off, I just think you're one of the most pathetic people I've ever "seen". You can say shit all you like, but the fact that you kill these animals from behind a gun says enough. It's also clear that you really enjoy to kill and you're proud of it seeing all these photographs as proof... Let's just say I'm glad I don't live in the same country as you do :)
    Sincerely, Jonas Gesquiere

  67. Thank you, Jonas. Wirecutter and I are glad you don't live here, too!

  68. Pessoas como vocĆŖs realmente merecem o pior dos USA e do resto do mundo.

    Pobres assassinos. Pobres miserƔveis. MisƩria mental e espiritual de uma maneira que nem aqui no Brasil existe igual.

  69. @ Daniella

    People like you really deserve the worst of the USA and the rest of the world.

    Poor killers. Poor miserable. Misery mental and spiritual in a way that neither here in Brazil there is the same.

    Meanwhile humans kill humans everday in brazil:

    Crime in Brazil involves an elevated incidence of violent and non-violent crimes. According to most sources, Brazil possesses high rates of violent crimes, such as murders and robberies; the homicide rate has been steadily declining, but it is still above 20.0 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, placing the country in the top 20 countries by intentional homicide rate

  70. Stupid racist red-neck...

  71. You hillbillys make me sick. Pretty sure wolves belong in woods like humans belong in houses.. how would you like it if someone walked in your "house" "hid" and shot your ass then took pictures of them holding you up like its something well accomplished..

  72. Oh, blow me, Anon. Both of you, but I think you're one and the same.
    Go run somebody else's fucking life and stay out of mine. I don't need cowards that like to talk shit but are afraid to sign their name hanging out here.

  73. Im not trying to start any discussing or to judge any of you. That's not up to me. I did not come here looking for something to criticize, i ended here by pure accident as i was trying to look for a beautiful wolf to paint; Im an artist. I appreciate the beauty of nature, and i respect what mother nature has granted us. Hunting the creatures living all around us and killing them, is not the way to pay your respect for the world you walk upon. still not judging YOU, but just putting down a simple statement, i think, ( and i have a suspicion that i speak on behalf of many others) that hunting is bad. Said in a kind tone. hunting is scandalous, evil and inhumanly. Or maybe, it's very humanly. Our kind has killed and ruined this earth as long as we'v been here, and i guess that wont stop in the next couple of generations, considering there is more and more nature lovers.

  74. I disagree with you on most of your points but I do thank you for your civility. That's considerably more than most folks that disagree with me have to offer.
    Hope your day goes well.

  75. you are exactly the problem with the world. You pride yourself on owning a weapon when I guarantee you should not have the right to own one. Why kill these animals? It's funny how the individuals (red necks) who hunt and kills defenseless animals are the ones with minimal education. Let me guess, you never graduate from high school and now you work a dead-end job where you make a minimal salary and the only days you look forward to are your hunting days. What a great American you are.

  76. You didn't read the text before the pictures, did you, dumbass?
    Fuck you. Go pet a wolf.

  77. Anonymous, and it's someone like yourself who should be the determining factor on whether someone like Kenny should own guns, right? Because you know better?

    Kenny doesn't own a weapon. He owns several. Why kill the animals? Because it's legal and prevents overpopulation and predation of domestic animals.

    Minimal education? He's a veteran of our armed forces. You don't get there by dropping out and not finishing. The level of his education and the type of job he works is his decision. You see, we live in a country where somebody with even high qualifications can work in any job they want to, even if it's below what they COULD be making.

    If you have proof that Kenny is doing something that should render him illegal to own guns, then let's see it. Otherwise, shut your cake hole.

    I attended the Ohio State University. I'm a former US Marine (not ex-Marine). I graduated with from high school easily enough. I'm in a white collar job with an English teacher for a wife. I shoot and own guns and even kill the occasional animal with them. Am I one of those stupid rednecks you speak of?

  78. rednecks

    The backbone of Lee's ANV!

  79. Thanks, Tango. Let's disillusion him a little more:
    I've worked at the same job for 20 years and make FOUR times the minimum wage, have studied Western US history for the past 30 years and strive to continue my education every fucking day..

    Damn, between me and Tango, we just fucked Anon up.

    1. Haha it took you 20 years to make $29 an hour???? You should use one of those guns on yourself. I make more in 1 quarter than you make in a whole year. But then again, I spend my time working and not poaching animals.

  80. Typical lib....telling everybody else what's "right" to do/see/hear/think/OBEY".

    He/she/it is just another anonymous coward hiding behind their keyboard.
    Nothing to see.....move along.

  81. If the world goes to hell in a hand basket, and we are thrust back into times say like the time of the mountain men living off the land. And "if" by some miracle I survive the die offs... I gonna shoot me a wolf eat its liver and make me a hat and cape out of its skin. Hell if I wasn't such a wage slave I would love to have the means to hunt all manner of beast that roam this earth.

    in CO.

  82. do u have to curse so much? I wonder how would you boys do with those animals, without ur guns - u people are all talk

  83. Anonymous: We'd do a hell of a lot better than you would, you can't even spell simple words like You and Your.
    YOU need to go back to school and while YOU'RE there, YOU should learn to mind YOUR own business.

  84. How WE would do? We're not making claims here. None of us are talking smack. That's you.

  85. you fucking kidding me!!!!And all you do is kill a wolf? what is your fucking problem.??????? you need help lunatic. if kill gives you pleasure, you really need help and all those who think like you.or you're a bastard or you're frustrated. Or both.

  86. Wire
    I think that should have been "mind YOUR own FUCKING business" just sayin...........;-)

  87. "...hunting is scandalous, evil and inhumanly."

    Even when beautiful wolves do it? Or only when us ugly humans do?

    It's a lot more natural than raising food in a cage...

  88. lmao! I don't know how to spell! I know how to spell, but u have no clue what is nova days internet etiquette.
    You present urself as a dumb redneck, with all your cursing and those animals you kill, are way better than you are. If you are so "brave" why don't you hunt with your bare hands. Why do you hide behind your big gun? Btw, bragging about making 4 times the minimum wage is hilarious! Where I live, that would make you a total loser, no one would be impressed with your guns or your philosophy. You would probably be a handyman in one of our mansions or summer house in Hampton's. So long Mr.Four Times the Minimum Wage
    p.s. instead of sending someone to school, cursing others, why don't you have a conversation based on valid points and courtesy - oh no, you won't have one - because world is a jungle! LOL

  89. Nobody is impressed by the fact you live in the Hamptons on money you didn't earn, Sweetie. Maybe your daddy is, but I'm guessing he's getting tired of your freeloading ass anyways.
    If you want a courteous conversation, why didn't you start one instead of talking shit?
    And excuse me for assuming you're a female - if you're not you sure missed a bet.
    And as long as you're trash talking MY bravery, why aren't you using your real name instead of hiding under anonymous?
    By the way, you can justify
    your misspelled words, but they are still misspelled and make you look like a dumb fucking cunt to everybody but your texting friends.
    -Kenny Lane
    Ceres, CA

  90. yep, as I thought, u r nothing but a redneck, talking with u is beneath me and I am sorry for u, u r nothing but a h8er (I don't expect u to know what it means). Daddy did not pay for a thing, there are smart, educated people making tons of money and they do not need to curse and wave their dick to prove to something. I will be reporting ur web to various agencies, I'll make sure you will pay for you are doing, hunting wolves in Ohio is illegal and since you you enjoy foul language so much hope you have a great evening you dumb fucktard :)

  91. Sweetheart, just where in the fuck did you get the idea I'm from Ohio? Or that I killed a wolf illegally?
    Go ahead and report all you want, all you'll do is show off your ignorance to a whole new group of people.

  92. Ignoring the rest of the inaccuracies above, when did Idaho start being spelled Ohio?

  93. just where in the fuck did you get the idea I'm from Ohio?

    Evidently Einstein couldn't figure out what CA meant.

  94. From all of the Anonymous female posts, it's clear that it's that time of the month again when all of the PETA cunts are on the rag (including their pseudo-male members).

  95. Kenny - this is beautiful. I love the sound of moonbats shrieking in the morning. Their screams are music to my ears. You got any more posts like this?

  96. Anon, our last conversation was so fucking hilarious with you showing your ignorance that I had to share it with all my readers.
    You can find out what they had to say by going here:

    You can also read a few of the comments below your last comment as well.
    You really are an ignorant fucking idiot, you know that?

    By the way, how many of those agencies that you reported me to laughed you off the phone?

  97. I am curious as to where these wolves were actual killed. I don't like the fact they were killed but as long as it was legal it is fine. We all have the right to our own opinions. We all have the right to defend what is ours even from nature herself.

  98. Hey! you forgot the last word in the title: KILLER.

    People like you make me want to wash my hands. You're disgusting. btw: Your fuck Obama mention - it's his policies which (unfortunately) allowed this fool you're headlining here and his brethren to kill these animals... and this is how you show your thanks?

    If this comment makes past your screening, I mean moderation, I will kiss your ass in Macy's window. Ppl like you hate the truth.

  99. If you even checked the other comments before you started running your mouth, you'd see that I moderate for spam, not screening for content.
    Get your own life in line before you start trying to run anybody elses.

  100. I started to ask just when are you coming to central California for this ass kissing, but like every other fucking liberal you're all talk.
    Not only that but I wouldn't even want to be in the same room as you.

  101. I live in the bumpy part of Montana and have shot every wolf I've ever seen. Course, you'll never prove I've seen one. :)


  102. Ur all a bunch of bastards. Please stop the senceless slaughter of wolfs. They have never done anything to u. Tbese pictures are sad, u think u look bad ass but u dont, u look like assholes whkcb u are.

  103. Damn, Kenny! You sure incurred the wrath of a lot of 'intellectuals'!

    haha... this stuff writes itself.

  104. I'm tellin' ya, man. You should see my email sometimes.

  105. Kenny !!!
    You gotta check this out, this is what should be done with all those PETA fuckers !!!
    This is just great !!!

    Three Reported Missing After Animal Rights Activists Take "War on Leather" to Motorcycle Gang Rally.

    Johnstown, PA (BNSE): Local and state police scoured the hills outside rural Johnstown, Pennsylvania, after reports of three animal rights activists going missing after attempting to protest the wearing of leather at a large motorcycle gang rally this weekend. Two others, previously reported missing, were discovered by fast food workers "duct taped inside several fast food restaurant dumpsters," according to police officials.

    "Something just went wrong," said a still visibly shaken organizer of the protest. "Something just went horribly, horribly, wrong."

    Yeah, I guess something went wrong, like you stupid fucking peta morons pushed your luck and got what you deserved !!!

    This is funny shit !!!!!

  106. You's are sick pricks.

  107. Don't worry, they'll eat you someday. God bless!

  108. GODDAM those are some big mothers! You could case skin them and have footie pajamas if you wanted LOL! Good on ya - I'd give almost anything for those hides - FRICKIN' AWESOME!


  109. Shooting an animal from a safe distance? You call yourself a man? Go toe to toe with a wolf and let's see if you are still standing afterwards.

  110. We don't need to go toe to toe with a wolf. We have guns, that's why we're at the top of the food chain, dumbass.
    What a stupid fucker.....

  111. wirecutter,

    Just discovered the blog and love it. Love the snark and your replies to anon idiots and others are a delightful mix of gutter and good English. Milfy Mondays rock.

    Why in the hell can't these numb skulls use spell check. It's built right into the comment box. Just a right click away.

    Don't Feed the Cougar

    Hinter Boonies
    San Diego

  112. all these fucking basters need to get a life!that mother fucking bitch cc has a stupid dumb ass blog all about saving stupid wolves!what a whore!i bet that she's one of those gay mother fuckers

  113. Hello, my name is Heather. I was born and raised in Northern Michigan. Some of my family members were hunters, but it was an event that I never took part in because of the unease that I felt taking a life. I also don't like the taste of game. When I grew older and more mature, I developed my sense of righteousness and honor. And as a result, began to oppose hunting even more.

    My family hunted the usual deer, rabbits, pheasants and they ate everything they killed. I find little more justification in eating what you hunt than just for the sport, or in the example that you used as to protect domestic pets and young or small animals. And I'll explain to you why: because that is the natural order or things. Wolves are supposed to eat rabbits. It would be unfortunate if your house pet was taken, but if you live in Wolf country, then you know not to let your dog out by itself. And there are measurements to take to ensure that wolves don't kill your livestock such as electrical fences, high fences, large area enclosures, etc.

    What I'm trying to say is that as humans, we have the ability to have compassion and an intelligence to avoid unnecessary killing, so why don't we?

    With respect,

  114. Thank you Heather, for your very respectful comment.
    It's hard to explain to a non-hunter why we do hunt - it's a feeling and satisfaction of some primal urge, not a feeling or an expression but I will say that the kill is not the thrill. It's the hunt itself. I know I can speak for every hunter when I say that I've had just as enjoyable a time when I had an 'unsuccessful' hunt as I did when it ended with a kill.
    Again, thank you for your respectful words.

  115. I sure Hope you are happy, I don't mean to post anonymously, I am just too lazy to create a username....
    I hope you are killing these on a basis such as in your local area. DO NOT kill a growing population. Lastly I hope you are doing it where this is legal. Because if you aren't you may end up with a federal offense.

  116. Anonymous, just where in the fuck did you read in the post that I was the one doing the hunting? All I did was post some pictures of hunters in IDAHO where it is legal. Didn't you read the article or post title at all?
    Yeah. Picking up a federal beef really freaks me out. Whoa.
    And yes, you DO hunt a growing population - it's called culling and is a necessary tool for game management.
    Jesus Christ, the ignorance of you people never ceases to amaze me.

  117. @wirecutter I'm not on either side of this atm but I was wondering why you call out so many people about being anonymous and not using their name,but your name obviously is not Wirecutter is it?Maybe Wire Cutter?

    As to the wolves in these pictures,if they were on farm land or near it and these guys are farmers protecting their stock and families,fine.But some city boy or fake country boy buying a license to go out deep in the woods and hunt them for sport is different.These fucking yuppie losers do not deserve to hunt.You kill it, YOU EAT IT as far as hunting goes.And yes people eat wolf and it's supposed to be quite delicious.


  118. Jerry, my name - Kenny Lane - is all over this blog as well as my hometown of Ceres, California. I also have my email address published and if you were to look hard enough I think you could probably find my phone number here too. And I don't care if they use their real name or not, but Anonymous just reeks of cowardice - "Here's my opinion but I don't want anybody to know it came from me."

    As far as hunting animals in fields only, do you truly think they kill stock and then make that field their home from that point out? Check out the range of a wolf and figure out that if the pack has to make multiple kills a day (remember that we're talking several animals, all over 100 pounds) just to survive, you can get a pretty good of the damage they can cause.

    Hunting is used as game management - when a population gets too large then you cull it down. What difference does it make who does it be it city boys or the rancher? I have news for you, that rancher is busy from sunup to sundown and doesn't have time to hunt down predators. If you've ever done a lick of farm or ranch work, you'd understand that. I don't mean for that to sound snotty, but there's a lot of folks out there that don't understand that ranching/farming is a 24 hour a day job. You work until you can't see anymore, then you turn the headlights on your tractor and continue to work until you're done. I don't know of a single farmer or rancher that doesn't go back out to work after he eats his supper.

    Myself, I don't eat dog meat of any kind - just doesn't appeal to me.

    Thank you for a civil comment and for signing it with a name. Hope you have a nice day, Jerry.
    -Kenny Lane

  119. While killing that innocent wolf, did you stop to think for a second about the fear and helplessness this creature was feeling as it bled to death. A majestic animal that lived out it's life, only to be killed by an ignorant and heartless fool trying to feel less of a fool by killing for sport.

    You "lack of men" deserve to experience the same pain and fear. Enjoy!

  120. Fuck you. Go throw some wheat germ on your yogurt.

  121. Just tell 'm what The Nooge said, that they don't have the capability to have any thoughts besides "Where's my next meal", and "Where's my next fuck".

  122. My domesticated wolf says you guys are assholes.

  123. No, FUCK YOU! Go try and catch a wolf with your bare hands you piece of shit human being, then maybe you can post pictures and get some recognition.

  124. We don't have to catch a wolf with our bare hands, we have guns, asshole. Top of the food chain and all that shit and before you come back with 'then eat them' remember that wild animals don't eat everything they kill either and if you believe they do then you've never stepped foot out of your mommy's apartment.

    1. You must of had a Traumatic Brain Injury while in the Marines. Comments like this, as well as your name calling, and swearing makes you look like a total idiot. Grow up.

      Michael Erickson
      Ontario, Canada

  125. Valentia - And my domesticated wolf says I'm not.
    And neither of us are not as impressed as you think we should be that you own a wolf. You must think we should be or you never would''ve brought it up.

  126. When the wolf population in a given area becomes a problem and said wolves are legally culled, so be it.

  127. I did not read all the comments, way to many to read.
    What is the purpose of killing the wolves? And what do you do with all the meat and hide and other parts? Are they used for any purpose at all, and if yes, how are the various parts used?
    I mayself would feel bad about killing these animals. Unless I could put them to very good use for many other things.
    Can you eat the meat if you were starving? Can you tan the hide and make some clothes out of it? I figgure there is a permit that has to be bought and where does that money go? Does it help fund the wildlife perserves that are in the area? or just into o fuck us in the asss's back pocket in the oral office? just wondering.

  128. you hunters (cowards) are scum

  129. Let's see, you come into my house and leave an anymous shitty comment and then you call ME a coward? You don't even have the balls to leave your name.
    Tell you what motherfucker, email me and tell me where we can meet. We'll see who the fucking coward is then, bitch.

  130. Fucking hunters doing that to those wolfs, your the sort of people i'd happily beat the crap out of. scum bag pricks, KARMA, i'd laugh if you get devoured by a wolf, fucking asshole, when i die, if i can haunt someone, i'd make you life like fucking hell. cunts


  132. Well Anon and You Motherfuckers (one and the same, I'm not real stupid):
    Fuck you. It's easy to talk shit when you're a continent and an ocean away.

  133. Goodness, the "useful idiot" commies have surfaced after the election.:)

  134. Mike, get a fucking life, man. You posted a comment every couple of minutes.
    Had you read the comments, you see my name and hometown.
    One more time, dumbass:
    Kenny Lane, Ceres, CA.
    I'm moving in the next couple of weeks, so shoot me an email when you're in the area. I'd like to see you try to make me swallow blood.
    You've got the money to fly here? I'm waiting.

  135. For Mike:

  136. Notice he didn't give a last name and where he is from the little fuck...Why do those creatures view this site if they find it offensive...They have no clue about the wolves that were brought from Canada that were never native to this country...Their brain if they have one doesn't realize the wolves that were brought here were also infected and that's destroying the native animals that live here...There going to be a day of reckoning and those rats will either die or scurry back to the sewer from whence they came...

  137. Steven, what in the fuck makes you think I would even want to travel to a socialist country for any reason?
    Go suck a hippie's dick.

  138. Anonymous said...

    Where do you guys live like what town?
    April 10, 2013 at 4:12 PM

    Just saw this for some reason, so.....

    94 Roberson School Road
    Tarboro, NC 28584.

  139. Malarkey

    Definition of: noun informal meaningless talk; nonsense.

  140. 4 years on and you're still famous.


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