
Friday, August 03, 2012


When I shut this blog down a couple weeks back I did it for several reasons, one of which is my Pop's declining health as I explained to the many, many folks that emailed or called me with concern and support.
It's taking a toll on me mentally, emotionally and slowly but surely, time-wise.

Kerodin did a post on my leaving and in it he mentioned Pop's health problems without going into detail, which you can find HERE.

A few days ago I was contacted by a Community Nurse/Nurse Practitioner and who kindly volunteered her time and services to come from the Bay Area to check him out. Julie and I exchanged several emails and laid out my concerns and to my surprise, she offered to come down this Saturday for an evaluation - no hemhawing around for this Lady. It was so quick that I didn't have time to set it up with Mom, but all that is in the works for a future time.
I know she was volunteering but I had to ask what her charges would be - in my world nobody does anything for free, it's eventually gonna cost you one way or another - and her reply was "This is a freebie. III to a IIIer. We take care of our own."
Man....... I had to read that a couple of times. What an wonderful concept. III to III.
As I'm writing this post there is so much running through my mind that I cannot even think about putting it all down. If you could ever get an inside peek at my mind, you'd understand the problem here.
This offer from Julie and her concept is so amazing and simple that I can't help but post it in the hopes that it will get passed on and others can pick it up. Patriots helping out Patriots in their moment of need for no other reason than that we are Patriots.
Folks, we are a sharing community - this has been proven by the Patriots that came together and met at the PatCons around the country and the fact that I can no longer mention that I need or want anything on my blog without somebody offering to send me what I want.
But there's a big difference between offering a scope mount or any other material thing and offering your professional services as well as travel time - in her case she's looking at about 3 hours back and forth, probably an hour talking with Mom and Pops, then a couple more hours with me and Lisa because there's no way in hell she's getting out of here without a nice supper and a visit. And I guarentee you that if there's anything I can ever do for her and her family, all she has to do is hint.

As a side note, her second email to me was a link to prove her bona fides to me - she was featured in Time magazine for her 2A stance.
You can see her featured HERE.
What's really cool is I remember reading the article and seeing the pictures while sitting at the dentist's office a couple of months ago.


So yes, this Patriot's actions have inspired me to begin posting again. It won't be as heavy as it was in the past, my reasons for quitting haven't gone away, but I'll try to keep it interesting.
Oh yeah - CharlieGoddamit's fine.


  1. Welcome back brother. You were sorely missed.

  2. III to III. The way is used to be, the way it should be. The way we'll make it again. wirecutter, so glad to see you back in action, but don't feel like you have to post every day. Just when you can, no pressure.

    And big hugs and kudos to Julie. Thank you for proving how awesome the III community is.

  3. Glad you're back. Prayers will be sent for your father.

  4. Welcome back to the fray fellow patriot. I hope this post finds you in good health. I would be a liar if I said my eyes didnt well up and I got goose bumps as soon as I read the quote "III to a IIIer. We take care of our own"

    Quite the example to set in stone in these days of self centered individuals. People like this make me proud to be part of the III. Like HWAngel stated, this is the way it used to be. It was the way I was brought up. No keeping score. No tit for tat. Just a handshake or to look a person in the eye when you give them that t-shirt off your back to stood by your word. Not far from The Golden rule which in this day has become a rusted rule. I am happy for you and glad to see you back.

    Take your time with what ever you need to, the blog will still be here. Keep us updated and if you ever need to vent, then call upon one of us. I am sure we can provide the shoulder or ear.


  5. That is awesome Kenny. we'll keep y'all in our prayers.

  6. I knew if I looked here every day, I would psychically cause you to start posting again! I didn't anticipate the nurse connection, but my psychic ways are powerful and mysterious!

    Awesome you are getting help when you need it.

  7. Love you and glad some of your prayers can be answered.

  8. What goes around, comes around, buddy!
    I'll add your Dad to my list of prayers tonight.
    Let me know if I can help....

  9. So glad your blog is open for business again... you where missed Wirecutter.

    Keeping you and your family in my heart and prayers.

  10. Glad you are back! And I will be praying for you Dad.

  11. Welcome Back Brother!


  12. Your stuff's always interesting. Thanks for coming back. may your Dad fare well.


  13. Your doing the right thing man, both my folk`s are many year`s gone now and the hundred`s of conversation`s I`ve formed in my mind will never happen. I used to hear an old country preacher remind his flock every year at mother`s day " Give them the flower`s while their with you ". It sound`s like you`ve found the right person for the job. Good deal. Let me use Ron Paul`s word`s when I describe the 3% Patriot Movement, " There`s no stopping an idea who`s time has come ". Best wishes to all of you.

  14. Welcome back. Sorry about your pops. I have similar issues with mine and my family is doing the whole vulture thing with him. It makes me crazy.

    See, what's crazy is open carry is legal in California, but not here in Florida, while in California, good luck getting a CCW but here it is Shall issue (yes, I know your stance on that but I am considering getting mine as we have reasons that involve personal safety and like it or not it's the current law and we have to be on the right side of the law or starve. Our life has already been too goddamned difficult these past four years). And fortunately here in Florida we have the Castle Law and Stand Your Ground. Personally, I believe open and concealed carry should be legal based solely on the 2nd Amendment.

  15. Thanks, Bro.
    I need to clarify my position as far as CCW permits - it's a whole different ball game in Shall Issue states - your Rights are recognized there whereas here mine are granted by the State. That's my biggest bitch about CCW permits is the motherfuckers standing in line to recieve their "Rights".

  16. W/C, glad things are coming together for you. Missed ya, however family first.

    Timbo, I did too, must be a combined karma thing.

  17. Very, very glad to see you're back. I lost my Dad years ago and know what you're going through. The III to III concept reflects the American sense of brotherhood and love that used to be common place and taken for granted. Unfortunately it has become increasingly rare and must be nourished as any flower. My very best to you.

  18. I never took your link down Wirecutter, which, by the way, have you ever hoovered your mouse over your link....;)
    Welcome back, I missed you, but not on Mondays. ;)
    Miss Violet

  19. Welcome back. I am sorry to hear about your dad and will keep your mum, Lisa, and you in my prayers. Oh yes, and the saint!

  20. That's hilarious, Miss V.
    And sorry, but Milfy Mondays are here to stay.
    Gotta take the bad with the good in anying in life.....

  21. Okay, we Women of Wirecutter will take the MILFy Mondays with decorum, but we demand equal opportunity with FILFy Fridays. ;-)

  22. Ain't happenin' Wiserangel.
    This is my house and I ain't a father. Well, not that I'm aware of anyways.

  23. Awwww, I can supply the pics. It's our rights as Patriotic women. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.....Did I mention how happy I am to see you back?

  24. Taking care of our parents as they fail is a tough row to hoe, Kenny, but it also makes you feel good to know that you've done right by them, as best you can. Too many people these days simply park them in a home and hardly even bother to visit.

    My family is of French Canadian stock who settled down in New England, worked the textile mills. They often lived three generations in the same house, grandparents, parents, and grandchildren.

    One of my uncles back in Connecticut is failing, and I can't tell you how heartwarming it was to visit him back there and see his grandkids - teachers, construction workers and such - coming over after work to sit with him, fix his meals, make sure he was comfortable. He is living in a large apartment his son built him attached to the son's home. Whoever is free during the day stays with him, then kids or grandkids in the evening.

    Getting help from fellow IIIpers is great, too. Just knowing there are people like this around keeps me from feeling despair about how the rest of the world is doing, because there are people like you and Julie who are doing what's right. Don't sweat the blog. Just take care of what _needs_ care.

  25. Welcome back Ken!

    Truth be told; caring for a loved one can be a grim obligation. I've done it for my G'ma and my Mother. We try to give a level of car that we wold hope to receive one day ourselves; care with dignity, respect, understanding, patience, compassion...we give care WITH care.

    If you need to vent or rant to someone who's been a long term family carer, gimme a shout. "Delray Beach Freethinkers" on Facebook.

    Be well!

    District 13, Florida, III%ers

  26. Welcome back Wirecutter. III to a IIIer... I'm at a loss for words!

  27. Glad to see we can still help a Brother out, no strings attached ! Someday we will all be living like this without middlemen

    God Bless

  28. Welcome back bro. I know what you're going through. Watched my dad waste away with cancer, finally laid him to rest 2009 September. If ever you need someone to talk to, you've got my email address. God bless.

  29. Glad to see you back Ken. Clicked on the bookmark everyday and sure enough, here you are! Good luck and best wishes to you,Lisa and your Mom and Pop.

  30. Good to hear from you again, Ken.

    Sorry to hear about your pop.

  31. So sorry to hear about your father ans the stress it has caused you. Wonderful to hear how you have been touched by the selfless kindness of another.

  32. Hugs and thanks to all.

    But, this may seem naive, but it is the way I am and wish other to be. Not expectation of kuddos, financial reward, or pats on the back.

    We MUST take care of our own. Period. My skill set let's me do that in this case. At some point, somewhere, an other may help me in a time of need.

    Now go out and pass it forward to another III.

    That is all,

  33. Julie,
    It takes more strength and courage to open yourself and extend a hand than to build a wall and hide behind it. I take strength from your example and will do my best to pass it on to every Patriot I meet. We're all in this together.


    Leslie Appling

  34. Welcome back blogbrother, sorry to hear about your dad.

    That nurse sounds like one hell of a lady!

  35. Fan-frickin'-tastic! Glad you are back, and with a profound post to boot. My prayers are with you and your family. And to Julie as well. A truer American there never was.


  36. Holy Shit!!!!!!! You're back!!!
    Welcome back brother, and I really mean that. Too bad about your Pops though, both of mine went home a few years back and there's not a day that goes by that I don't wish I could talk to both of them and giv'em a big hug. Take it slow for awhile and spend more time with your pappy if you can. There will be time for blogging later. Welcome back dude. If you need me for anything, you got my address.
    I'll say a prayer for your pop. I have connections with the BIG GUY you know..........

  37. Dude, you my not like this but you are now part of a family, and I don't mean Lisa, Charley and your folks. God willing you father will be fine, lets hops so, I lost mine 26 years ago and still miss the ornery SOB......I'm glad your back (sort of) you take care of you and yours and we will be here waiting........;-)

  38. Kenny, welcome back Bro.
    As you might know I'm about two hours from you.
    Whatever you need my number will be on my email to you.

  39. Fuck, damn Google, my first post doesn't look like its gonna be here so I'll just say welcome back brother..........

  40. That is extremely cool. This kind of thing restores my faith in humanity.

  41. Welcome back to the land of lunacy, Wirecutter.

    In celebration of this special event I've arranged a little gift for ya.

    I got in touch with the San Francisco democrat party and they agreed. Nancy Pelosi has agreed to give you a golden shower in Union Square at Noon on this coming Labor Day.

    Now this is costing me and my friends plenty, so don't be square be there.

  42. Yeah! Kenny is back. I was about ready to gas a hippy myself yesterday, just to get over my wirecutter withdrawals.
    Glad to hear the III community is stepping up to take care of each other, in the good old days that is what a community was for.
    Prayers for you and family.

  43. Wire cutter, my bass buddy and I love your site and missed you! Our wishes go out to you, your Dad and family. Life is a struggle at times, do what you need to do for your family and keep us peeps advised. Prayers go out to you.

  44. Family in Southern Illinois send prayers and bestwishes to you and yours.lll to lll, as it should be

  45. Thank you for coming back....I didn't want to be the only curmudgeon on this planet! Sorry to hear about your dad; sending lots of prayers your way.

    When you start printing the t-shirts; are you going to have them read.....
    III 2 III or
    3 2 3 or
    III to III ?????

    I'll take a XXL


  46. Welcome back Wirecutter!
    I'll pray for your dad. I know what your going through my dad has Alziemers and some times its hard to go on. Also FUCK OBAMA

  47. Welcome back, Sir and the best to your father!

    I found a new photo of Mad Dog the other day and thought of you. There were two other, including one in the shower, but not very clear.

  48. Dude, you're back. I have missed you. Thanks for what you do.

  49. I am sorry your Pop is sick.

    I am glad your back!

  50. After My Dad died in 2010 and losing Mom to Pancreatic Cancer 3 months ago, enjoy your time with your Pops. Not Fun. I appreciate your Blog and your views

  51. Awesome friend you found there, Kenny.
    Welcome back...and FUCK OBAMA!

  52. very sad about your dad, very happy you are back, lll to lll is what will save us if there is any hope left

  53. Glad you are back! seriously there are still good folks in the world!

  54. Sorry for the plight but I am happy to see the posts up again. Yer my favorite.

    Prayers and offers for your family brother

  55. Glad you"re back....Hope your Dad is doing OK. Thinking about you and your family...DS in the South Carolina Lowcountry

  56. Sorry about your dad being ill, I took care of mine a few years ago. I am glad you could make it back though.

  57. Glad you're back. Thoughts are with you and yours. It's a painful experience for all involved. Family first..

    - Rumson

  58. Welcome back....I've missed my "daily read"!

  59. Glad to see your back Ken!! Just got the "memo". Your Dad will be in my prayers my man.

  60. One good deed certainly deserve one right back at her, make it a really nice dinner (I am sure you will make it so even without my suggeesting it). That was very nice of her, in fact it is excellent.

  61. Welcome back.

    Wish you and your beloved ones all the best.

    Roland from Bavaria, Germany

  62. Welcome Back. I am going through a health issue with my Dad as well, but he has a good outcome ahead of him. Been at his place while he had his operation. Another 6 months and the outcome would have probably been terminal. I go back to his place to look after him for a bit until he recovers. Thank everyone you know for the support and wishes that you get. I do. Only in a crisis do you find out how many people are there for you without asking and you have a lot there stepping up. Hang in there. These are the toughest battles of all.

  63. Bakersfield BarehanderAugust 6, 2012 at 10:06 PM

    So sorry to here about your Dad. Been thru that myself many years ago.
    Glad you're back, you've been a daily read for many years. I also turned Swamprat on to your site.
    welcome back and keep up the good work. Your Dad will be in our prayers.

  64. Whew! I had lost a daily read. Welcome back!

  65. The devil incarnate is back!

    Nice to see you back at it, Ken. We all know Pops is top priority and we would not have it any other way.

    Now I have to catch up here.


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