
Thursday, September 13, 2012


- Daver
This one oughta piss off about half my readers.


  1. i think its pretty good

  2. Your opinion doesn't piss me off at all. I respect your view and agree with many of your points. That's one thing I love about the US, we can disagree without fear of lopping eachothers head off. That's why we chose to defend this nation.

    As lacking and as moderate as this candidate is, he is a far cry from the present traitor in chief.

    I'm just hoping for change from what we are enduring at the hands of a hard working Marxist/socialist intent upon destroying what we both hold dear.... Freedom and the Constitution.

    I know what we've got now, I want rid of him. If I have to eat a little humble pie to succeed, serve me up some.

    It may not taste as sweet as I like, but it won't be the bitter pill I was forced to swallow the last 3+ years.

  3. Piss off which half?

    The white ones or the black ones?

  4. Might piss some off. Piss on them. I like it.

  5. I been calling him Obamney from day one. Just calls 'em like I sees 'em...

  6. I've always told people that Romney is Øbama Light. Different color, same crap.

  7. I'll take it.

    The old black Obama could be melted down to make hockey pucks. At least then, he will have salvaged his career as a useless and damaging piece of shit.

    Can I say that?

  8. Ha ha. Oh how true. Different motives - same result.

    Obama hates America
    Romney wants to bleed it dry

  9. That's the funniest and most accurate thing I've seen from this whole election year.

  10. At one time it would have pissed me off, I admit that, however after looking deeper into the maelstrom that is our political theatre I find myself feeling dirty and itchy. Most of the congress critters have forgotten the Oath they took and are now outlaws.
    We need a new sheriff in town and unfortunately what we get to choose from is not a gun toting tobacco chewing gun slinging sheriff but a small insignificant change in leadership that is hampered by the outlaws in congress. It is past time that someone with balls stood up and raked those shit for brains in congress over the coals on national television for being stupid. EACH AND EVERY TIME rake them over the coals by name and position. Fuck'em, they brought this on themselves. Where is our sheriff? Where is the righteous indignation?
    It would appear that WE as the people are going to have to stand our ground, we can no longer sit on our collective asses and watch. I have not joined the Threepers, I might never join them but by God I will stand with them and any other American that is fed up with this criminally insane thing we have now.
    God Bless America!

  11. I think I picked up the word from you, Craig.
    I ain't smart enough to think up shit like that on my own.

  12. Six months ago it would have pissed me off, I would have argued with you and gotten banned for impertinent stupidity. I'm starting to wake up. Obama is the bullet train to socialism and Romney is the scenic route. Both going the same direction, just a question of how quick you want to get there. And who knew hanging around with wirecutter could make a girl smarter?

  13. And who knew hanging around with wirecutter could make a girl smarter?

    Keep it quiet or everyone'll want their own Wirecutter. The man's spread himself thin enough as it is!

  14. you guys can talk about it all you want. im gonna go get some more beans & bullits

  15. Wraith, we have obtained wirecutter dna (don't ask) and have scientists working round the clock on clones.

    Soon, we'll be up to our asses in wirecutters.


  16. Welp, the truth hurts and this political truth is what it is. Romney said "We will repeal & "REPLACE" 0bummercare! REALLY? with what, your GDamned failing Romneycare that is bank rupting the state of MA? FU, get the hell out of the way and let Americans be Americans, that will fix this stupid shit.

  17. Over the past few years a number of adverbs have been created from nouns: Lewinskied, Zumboed and a few others I can't think of right now. I can only wonder how long it will be before politicians start getting "John Rossed" --- as in Unintended Consequences>

  18. Soon, we'll be up to our asses in wirecutters.

    But the important question is...will there be enough MILFs to go around? :o

  19. Never enough Milfs to go around, Wraith. Never.

  20. Devil Tong - watch out, motherfuckers around here will start accussing you of being un-American for not drinking the kool-aid of a different flavor.

  21. Wraith,

    Why the hell do you think we're cloning wirecutters? We keep breaking the inferior models.


  22. Just like I've been sayin'...same horse different color.

  23. Lenin regular or Lenin light. Take your pick. Are you sure you do not want to post Hambo? hehe


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