
Tuesday, January 01, 2013

My thoughts on 2013

Well, we’ve left 2012 behind and moved on to 2013. Here’s my thoughts of the upcoming year. Forgive me if it’s not what you want to hear, but it’s what I think lies ahead.

We’re facing dark, dark times. With the re-election of Obama and the horrific shootings of innocent people by deranged individuals, the agenda to strip us of our 2A Rights is gaining momentum. Diane Feinstein has renewed her efforts to disarm the American people. No surprise there, it’s been her agenda ever since I can remember but now she’s gaining more and more support from unlikely allies, so-called conservatives that are only concerned with preserving their own comfortable ways of life.

Obama went on record a few days ago saying that gun control is his top priority for 2013. I don’t doubt his statement one bit. He’s proven time and time again that his agenda is complete control of every aspect of our lives and he’s gaining it in record time. With the destruction of the Second Amendment, there’s nothing to stop him.

Our beloved Republic isn’t dead, but it’s taking it’s dying gasps. Our Constitution is in shambles and our Bill of Rights have been trampled and spit upon. With the disarmament of America, the coup de grace will be delivered. It’s up to you and me, Patriots, to resist with any and all means available to us.
We, the American People, are the most heavily armed civilian population in the world. We have the arms to resist, we have the Patriots to take the lead but we don’t have the overwhelming support of the populace at this point in time that is necessary for victory. I do believe however, that with the imminent collapse of the economy, the complacent will awaken from the stupor they’ve been in for the past 50 years. They will begin to realize that the government is not looking out for the People’s best interest, but their own comfort and way of life and the Citizens of this once-great Nation will arise against the oppression of our corrupt government.

2013 is not going to be a good year. I believe that it will be the start of a revolution. I don’t know how it’s going to start, I don’t know where it’s going to start, but I’m sure it will have it‘s beginnings this year. I also believe that We, The People will be victorious eventually. But it won’t be easy. I have a feeling that 2013 will be known in the history books in years to come as Bloody ‘13.

Bloody ‘13 will just be the beginnings of our struggle. It’s going to take another 100+ years to bring our Republic back to it’s former glory. We will not live to see it but your grandchildren will if they have the fortitude and the will to carry on after our passing. We can show them the way and we can clear the path for them but it’s up to them to finish the task just as our Founding Father’s children and grandchildren did.

I wish I could make the statement that I’ll lay down my life for my children’s future but I have no children. I will however spill my blood for your children. I am willing to make that sacrifice. My only prayer is that you raise those children so that when I fall, they will pick up my rifle and continue to advance. They are their own future - we can only break a trail for them to follow.

Godspeed and good luck.

Kenny (Wirecutter) Lane
Ceres, California
The United States of America
1 January 2013


  1. Godspeed wirecutter and the rest of you warriors. I'm not the type to go to the fight, but I'll damn sure fight when it comes to me. I'm much better suited to behind the lines med aid and comfort, just know any Patriot is welcome at my table.

  2. i believe you are 100% correct my friend and i'm right there with you. a great many sheeple have been awakened to the coming festivities, ones i never thought would pull their head out of their asses are stomping mad and arming up. i hear folks down south are forming up and training for the real deal. i'm ready to do my part.sic semper tyrannis.

  3. Another interesting take on your point:

  4. "...but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here."
    As best I can I stand with you in this. This I swear.

    Godspeed to all.

  5. God bless brother, I guess if this comes down to watering the tree of liberty with blood, if necessary, mine will join many others. Any one wearing a badge or uniform who 'tries' to follow unconstitutional orders deserves to be shot and anyone who refuses said orders can find support and aid with me and many others.

  6. See you all in the swamps and brambles. -55six

  7. I pray you are wrong, but I fear you are right. This has been coming since the passage of the "Patriot Act". My guns are well maintained and ammo bought weekly.

  8. Ammo weekly, yes, but lately all gander mountain has is varmint 223's, its like they are trying to tell us something ........

  9. Unfortunately, you are right. Good luck to all.

  10. Ruck Up Wirecutter, Lock and Load... I'll take point, you swivel 360. My life's checks are cashed, I'm in this to the end. I fully intend to die like a soldier, I got my GODDAMN boots on! I know full well how this is gonna play out, just wish you and I coulda, woulda, shoulda had a few minutes of brother time, my real one (Marine) already passed. I guess 1959 is a good year to draw from bros from. See you soon Ken...

  11. Fuckin' A man. Been trying to prepare for this physically, mentally, and logistically for a few years. I might not be 100% prepared, but I definitely am ready. Let's get it on...

  12. Like I have said before, due to the situations inside the wire we will take as many of the stack as we can.
    Or the mob at 200yds.
    No one, no one is getting on my street until we're dead.

  13. Maybe when every major metropolitan area resembles Hue city the fascists might understand the term over reach...

    Nah. They will just blame the tea party.

    Been seeing way to much of this civil war shit going around. Not good, but since one side keeps pushing because they think they can win, and the other side is tired of being kicked while they are down, somethings going to give. Ether the jackboot or the ribs.

    Any way you cut it, it is going to suck. But I won't be dying at the edge of a mass grave on my knees.

    Fuck Obama.

  14. I'll be there too-no one will ever cattle car me.


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