
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Coming soon - Patriot's Trading Post

While I was working today I got to thinking about all the shit that I have and don't use and money being tight right now, I might as well eBay it off and put a few bucks in my pocket. Then I got to thinking about eBay's buttfucking in the form of seller's fees coming and going and that pissed me off so I figured I'd sell it on my blog, first come first serve.
Then I kept thinking in spite of the headache it was giving me and I thought Hey! why don't I open up a Patriot's Trading Post for everybody to sell, swap and barter their shit on? No fucking seller fees, no final sale price fees, no bidding, just an ad.

Okay, it's on. Come this weekend you're going to see Patriot's Trading Post up and running. It's not a get-rich scheme - all I want is a couple of bucks for compensation for my time for posting and removing the ad later. I have no expectations of getting rich off this - hell, if I can keep myself in Copenhagen and CharlieGodammit in food, I'll be happy.

Ads will run for a week or until you tell me the item has sold, you'll get 3 free pictures with that and  a paragraph or two to describe your item and what you want for it - cash money, trade in kind, whatever. I'll post it with a "Contact Seller" link so your email won't get spammed. Once the ad is up, I'm out. I could give a fuck less what you sold it for or what you got out of it. Think of it as a classified ad for Patriots. A nation-wide classified ad.

The beauty of it is, it's not going to be just gun stuff, prepping supplies and survival gear. Patriot Trading Post doesn't describe the goods, it describes the patrons. If you've got a few rolls of pink yarn you want to sell, send in the ad. If you're a hobbyist (such as fly tying) and you want to get rid of some of your stock, mistakes or supplies, send in the ad. If your a radio enthusiast and you're wife is on your ass to clear out your back bedroom, send in the ad.
I post the ad, the interested party contacts you, the two of you haggle over a price or agree on a swap and shipping details and it's a done deal. Simple as that.

You'll be able to pay for your ad using Paypal. If you don't like Paypal that ain't no big deal either, just email me the ad, mail in two bucks (US, I ain't taking no Canadian) and when I get it, your ad goes up.

When the site goes up I'm going to post some of my stuff (no pink yarn, sorry) to kick it off and offer free ads for a week or so to see how it's going to roll. If it takes off, great. If it doesn't, no big deal, hopefully my shit will get sold and I'll eat the start-up costs - domain, PO Box for payments, shit like that. Minimal, you know?

It's going to take a while to tweak things around for categories and such but that's cool, I don't expect it to explode on me here. I've got time, you know?
I'm going to hit up Zoomie for header graphics for the site and a button so that bloggers that have the button on their blogs get free ads and of course the stores run by III Patriots (Sam, Bill and Zoomie) will get free space.

Oh yeah, a Mission Statement. I need one of those to sound official:
Patriot's Trading Post is to help you buy and sell shit and foster relationships between Patriots on a national level. Fuck Obama.

I'll post this everyday until I get 'er going, hopefully Saturday evening, maybe Sunday, yeah?


  1. So cool, was thinking about trying this but couldn't figure out how to do it. I've got tons of stuff to sell. Miss V and I had thought about a Patriots Dating site....?

  2. I think that's a great idea. Nicely done. Or going to be done, as the case may be.

  3. This is all I got, MFer!

  4. But Canadian money is at par?... ;-)

    Love the idea Wirecutter... I'll be hitting you up for a blog button when you have it available.

  5. Bitchin idea.
    I got shit to swap.

  6. Now that you started this, you really ought to make it a bit more of a commercial site. I think the idea will catch on to such a degree that it will take a lot more of your time than you think, especially if you continue to get good ideas on how to expand it.

    As for me, I have just one suggestion, something I have been trying to get started for a long time. As your people to contribute at least one dollar to go to a Liberty Defense Fund to help pay for legal costs of those in the community who might get popped by the justice system---unjustly of course, 'cause we don't break legal laws.

  7. Wait...Hold on, A patriots dating site??? Now I aint saying Wirecutter aint handsom, but I think he is taken. Might be able to sell him for an hour or two for yard work but He is NOT my type.

    Good Idea WC, like many I gots lots that is just sitting. Good Luck!

  8. Maybe I'll be able to find some Conair jumbo hot rollers! Woo Hoo! Can't wait!

  9. No Brian, wirecutter would just be he Pimp Daddy. He'd be running the dating site, you know, because he's sooooo romantical.

  10. Kenny,

    First time caller, long time fan. Don't have anything to add except it is one hell of an idea, wish I had thought of it. Reason for commenting now is that I did not know that you were a Copenhagen man. NOW, you really have my respect. I am also a Copenhagen addict (redneck from the South). I always tell those idiot smokers that Copenhagen has always been, and still is, the most potent, effective, legal OTC nicotine delivery system available. After all, it's the nicotine we are all addicted to, not the damn "smoke", plus you can use it right in front of the “smoke Nazis” without them even knowing it.

    Alan S. Pedersen
    III Congressional Delegate, SC
    Fort Mill, SC

  11. Excellent idea. Hope it explodes for you and you get wealthy - 2 bucks at a time!

  12. Great idea WC. I'm looking forward to seeing it. Gary Griffin

  13. maybe a "Wanted" column as well..?? something for those who are looking for things to buy/swap/barter/trade for...

  14. The timing is perfect. Thank-you. I think the legal-fund donation sounds good as well. I'll have mostly home school related books at the start and was just thinking about E-bay or Amazon but I seriously like the idea of "tribe-building" so much better. Signed, retired home-school teacher.

  15. Best mission statement EVER. I hope that you don't mind, but I'm going to borrow your final line and try to convince my company to add it to our mission statement.

  16. Outstanding!
    Still got some stuff here and there...

  17. My wife says, "I got the pink yarn". Looking forward to seeing this. hope it take off.

  18. Awesome. I'll trade you some soap and shampoo for some bullets, you smelly bastard.

  19. Preacher - You bet, man. For sure a 'wanted' button.

    TL - I can do that. I'll set up a dedicated paypal acct for it.


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