
Monday, March 25, 2013

DHS vehicles on the move

Footage of hundreds of armored trucks, similar to ones reportedly purchased recently by the Department Of Homeland Security has appeared online, raising more questions over their intended use. The video was uploaded to YouTube last week by a user who stated that it was shot in the middle of the desert between Hackberry and Peach Springs, Arizona. It shows hundreds of military style trucks loaded on to a train, presumably in the process of being delivered domestically for law enforcement or military purposes.
UPDATE: Be sure to read the comments. Lots of explanations, all of them plausible.

The video raises significant questions in the wake of reports that the Department of Homeland Security, headed by Janet Napolitano, recently purchased around 2,700 MRAP trucks that many believe are to be deployed to local law enforcement agencies around the country. It is clear that the DHS does have fleets of armoured vehicles intended for use in the US.
More of the story, more videos of this shit HERE


  1. The MRAPS "duce and a half" and MRLS are all headed in the derection of the DRMO storage depot in central California. The up-armored HUMMVs were taken to the DRMO at Richmond KY. The M-2 and M-3 Bradly AFVs were all taken to Aniston Army Depot, to be Re-furbished -scraped or sold overseas. ALL of the film I'v seen of AFVs on trains have been worn out dis-armed and junk Ray

  2. This CNN story is about the storage area in California. They have over 2000 main battle tanks.

  3. Much as I detest DHS, this particular 'Net rumor of MRAP's for DHS is wrong. They are on a Navy contract going to the Marines

  4. Thanks, y'all. I did update the post with a request for future readers to check out the comments.

  5. Then you have to consider all the stuff we are giving the Egyptians and so forth. It has to originate from somewhere and be transported. I hope the give all of the worn out stuff.

  6. That train is a mixed bag. Some of the stuff is clearly older. If it was a train full of new stuff, and all same mfgr, I'd be more then a little worried.
    Not letting Incompetanto's goons off the hook mind you...

  7. all the action winding down in the land'o diaperheads, is prob creating lotsnlotsa surplus.
    wont be able to throw a rock without hitting an army/navy store or two.

  8. Naw, bootmaker, they won't let us civvies have any of the good stuff, even though we paid for it in the first place!


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