
Thursday, May 14, 2020

A Time to Hate

Through eight years, I accepted the rules of the game. Obama was president. He won fair and square because the Republicans serially put up two milquetoast opponents who were incapable of offering a vision or articulating a message that inspired. John McCain had been an American wartime hero who stood by his men, refused early release, and withstood torture in the “Hanoi Hilton” 40 years earlier. But he had no business running for a presidency two generations later for which he was not prepared to fight and for which he had no vision. And then came Mitt Romney, his etch-a-sketch candidacy, his binders full of women, and his Romneycare, which served as the model for the Obamacare and which was the single most galvanizing issue in 2012 for Republican conservatives. In order to throw out Obamacare, the Republican Party offered us conservatives … what, Romneycare? Tough for us conservatives to sing in that tabernacle choir.


  1. The Keynan needs to hang for what he did with Flynn and Trump. We can never trust our own intellegence agencies again, EVER!

    1. The only way that happens is if Trump is re-elected. Even then the desired outcome is not assured. In the meantime, the criminals are free, enjoying life, while the framed rot in jail or are tortured by criminals in cahoots with other criminals. The good news is that the special elections for representatives two blue districts flipped red this week. So, there's hope that the electorate are seeing through the bullshit.

      Then again, there's legal ballot stuffing to contend with.


    2. 👍🏾 This is my diversity thumbs up, since we're talking about PeeBo Hussein O.

    3. You trusted them in the first place? The Feds have been screwing us over since the coup that replaced the Articles of Confederation. Since the 1890's it has been non-stop. The Maine, the attack on the Bonus Army,Prohibition, Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, the attack on the USS Liberty,the Drug War, Ruby Ridge, Waco, Gulf War I, 9/11, Gulf War II:Electric Boogaloo, and the list goes on. And those were just hitting the high points. We have encroaching spying on Americas, taxation and a police state in millions of little bites.

      Never trust any government agency or government employee.

  2. The left has created this hate and they deserve it

  3. Damn. That guy can write! He put BFYTW into a complete, coherently written article on why to really hate those scumbags.

  4. I'm getting tired of feeling like I'm the last sumbitch in America that bothers to obey the law.

    1. As The Clash said: "Don't use the rules, they're not for you, they're for the fools. But you're a fool if you don't know that."

  5. "by DOV FISCHER"...

    "John McCain had been an American wartime hero who stood by his men, refused early release, and withstood torture in the “Hanoi Hilton” 40 years earlier."

    Except for blocking Agent Orange cases from the VA, earning the nickname "Songbird", and most likely burning out an aircraft carrier, I'd say he's spot on...

    MN Steel

    1. While McCain was not a good senator, I cannot understand why the debunked myth about h being responsible for the USS Forestall fire persists. ALL the reports confirm the Zuni rockets which started the fire came from an F-4 on the opposite side of the fantail from McCain's A-4

    2. But he did block the Pentagon from declassifying documents in order to locate POW/MIA, long after he'd come back and gone into politics. Rumor was because those documents would show something derogatory about his personal behavior as a POW.
      It's all clear as mud.

  6. It's worth the time to read the whole thing. The author echos what many, many Americans are wondering. He just stops short of what many, many Americans believe needs to be done...

  7. McCain has been a liability his entire life; a jerk in school, finishing 3rd from last in his class, an inept pilot who lost 3 training planes, set fire to an aircraft carrier killing dozens of US sailors then being used as a negotiating tool for the Viet Cong. As an elected official, why not use the real word, not a "maverick" but a traitor to his party.

    John McCain's only claim to “maverick” status is his willingness to stab anyone, including his friends, in the back.

    McCain was despicable because he's enriched himself at the public trough. He's was a fraud. A total fraud. He was a song bird in Hanoi and ratted out his fellow soldiers. 130 men died because of this POS! He only got to Annapolis because of his father. He threw over his first wife while she had cancer to leave her to marry a richer woman..this went along way at improving his political fortunes. As a senator his record is beyond abyssmal. He was a member of the Keating 5 and had more pork delivered to his state than a pig farmer. The day McCain died the country became better off!

    1. But I'm sure he threw the author a few shekels of "Defense" money when he was a high-buck lawyer at JonesDay, one of the premier defense contract allocators...

      MN Steel

    2. McVain also did a good job gutting the GOP in one of the most conservative states in the country.

    3. Mitt Romney - "Hold ma beer!"


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