
Monday, June 01, 2020

I was sure this was dead and forgotten

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The GOP-led Tennessee House on Wednesday continued committee work to advance several proposals that would allow public college students with permits to carry concealed handguns on campus and eliminate the requirement that residents obtain any permits to carry handguns generally, including for concealed weapons.


  1. As a Tennessean supporter of the Second Amendment, I wholeheartedly support this legislation and have told my state representatives as much. I've heard back from them and am told they support it too.

  2. waitingForTheStormJune 2, 2020 at 6:29 AM

    Also in Tennessee. I will continue to renew my "enhanced" eight year renewable license. This is the only Tennessee permit recognized in other states and allows carry in many states due to reciprocal enforcement agreements. Not that I travel much, but it seems sensible as a TN license is relatively easy to obtain.


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