
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Fucked around and found out

Riots and protests erupted Tuesday evening for the third night in a row in Kenosha following an officer-involved shooting Sunday.

BLM rioters began destroying another car shop in Kenosha Tuesday night when shots were fired.

One person was shot in the head while looting a car shop.

The person who was shot was losing a lot of blood and was sent to the ER.

It is unclear who shot the looter.



  1. From WRSA: "Riots will continue until the participants pay enough of a price."

    And so it begins....

  2. I think these people are going to learn pretty fast that semi-rural Wisconsin is not populated with the same people as Portland or Seattle and such things won’t be tolerated. Be interesting to see how the police handle this. I’m looking forward to the day this happens in the rural south, because it will eventually.


    1. Ever talk to a former communist agitator? Their goal is to get a few bodies - maybe even a good number thereof - so that they wave the bloody shirt in front of the puppet media.

      It's also safe to say that Antifa/BLM/whathaveyou will start adjusting their tactics, too.

  3. Finally, some schadenfreude producingvideos.

  4. It's about time. Let's see what tonite's festivities bring.


  5. As another commenters noted, move to out of the communist-run cities, shit changes right quick.
    Good on these men for defending the right of citizens to run a business and support a family. Give this two to four months, and I suspect BLM/Antifa/Commies will cool down with the "move it to the suburbs" bluster.
    In lots of places, the line between the suburbs and countryside is kind of blurry, and you tend to find the sorts of people that would rather live rural, but need a job, and cant' tolerate a 2+ hour commute. Each way.
    -Just A Chemist

  6. I'm concerned! For the fella or fellas that shot these scum. One, even though they had every right to do so, it still takes a psychological toll on the person that shot the perp. Mostly because you damn well know some government figure is going to try to make an example out of this situation to discourage others from defending themselves or their property. This person/people are going to be raked over the coals both in the legal system and the court of public opinion. They're going to have a rough time I fear.

    1. and this is where men from our side need to move in and whack any prosecutor etc. who go after these young men who rightly defended themselves.

      We'll see how much fortitude our side has soon enough. It's not just shooting these BLM/Antifa bastards. We have to go after the law types who unjustly go after our guys.

    2. It amazing how when the MUY's shoot someone in broad daylight on a crowded street no one saw anything, but they all suddenly have 20/20 vision and photographic memories when one of them gets popped by a white guy...

    3. Not to mention that any shooter and their families will have to be prepared for possible retaliation attacks once their identities are known.

  7. No way of telling what's going on. A well-known tactic of leftist groups is to provoke a violent response. If they dont get one soon enough, they will create one themselves. They dont mind breaking a few of their own eggs to get the right camera footage for the news roll.


  8. "It is unclear who shot the looter."

    I'm thinking a case of Surprised Designated Casualty.

    Someone on the Internets commented recently that it won't matter who fires the first shot, the game will be on regardless.

    The last thing the anti-gunners want to have happen is the riots coming to a halt because of Honorary Rooftop Koreans.

    1. Until the Roofers pop a bystander (or an honna stoont who was turning his life around, or a photogenic female, or someone who was "running to help protect the home/business"). The propaganda space will be a critical part of the upcoming battlefield.

  9. What I saw on video last night, the guy with the rifle was running from a scattered group of ? Antifa ? and fell.
    One of them jumped on top of him, and took a contact gunshot to the right arm above the elbow. Significant tissue displacement.
    Unless the DA is like the one in St Louis, he should be legally ok, personally / emotionally, up to him.
    There seemed to be a lot of locals with guns trying to protect businesses.
    Cops and Nat Guard had limited presence.
    Street gunfights between Antifa and Americans may be what the people behind Antifa want, to try to force or allow current governments to act legally or kinetically against Americans, in the protection of Antifa, BLM, and their ilk.
    John in Indy

  10. AT LAST Someone did some Pre-60's looter control. it still needs to be applied all over the country though

  11. Matt Bracken noted that in Austin, a number of antifa commies were seen with colored tape across their shoulders. The police were also warning of rooftop snipers during that same time. Seems a pretty easy way to identify friend or foe from someone up high by wearing something across your shoulders/back/helmet that they can identify. Watch for that. The commies have guns, too, and they've so far used them more than the Patriots have.

  12. One could really argue that the second civil war has already started. And the left has already forced it. And while the left has Soros and Bloomberg are supplying them with arms and such, the conservatives already possess somewhere between 300-600 million guns, and most of them also have enough ammo to sustain them for sometime. I live in a trailer park with two entrance/exit roads. Fenced off from other areas, it would be fairly simple to keep intruders out. I didn't say easy, I said simple.
    No matter what happens, I see racism as being the force that pushes these few skirmishes into full blown war, with nothing good coming out of it.



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