
Monday, April 04, 2011

Steve and his 9 pounds of fury

And having owned furious dogs myself, I know yours would give CGD a run for his money.
Thanks for the picture and the grin, man.

An update: I posted this picture and my remark before I read my comments. Below is the comments that Steve sent me on my "Coyote Bounty" in Minnesota post a few days ago.


"Bourgeault thinks coyotes are harmless and would rather not confront anything."
Especially when it's not your Pet.
My dog was killed by a coyote 10 miles south of Saint Paul MN and may be the one refered to in the story.
DNR said we should learn to coexist with the coyote. Bullshit.
I loved that dog and coyotes have no reason to live. Give me one redeeming quality of the coyote (fur coats excluded).
Rep Bourgeault would call out the national guard if that coyote took a beeline for his dog and ripped it up.

Chico 6-1-2003 6-7-2010 RIP
9 lbs of ferocious and my best friend.

Fuck Obama..............


Yeah, I would feel the same way if it was my dog that was killed. My sympathies to you, Steve.
And as I said in my comments to that post, I'll remember Chico when I pop my next coyote.
Fuck Obama.............


  1. Co-exist my ass.

    2/11/10 Coyote attacks New Brunswick woman.
    A New Brunswick woman who wrestled with a coyote Wednesday was still shaken hours afterwards but managed to walk away needing only a tetanus shot and a bandage.
    Marie Simon of Saint-Charles, near Richibucto, said she went into her backyard about 2:30 a.m. to let her puppy Sampson out.
    "He started pulling to go back in the house," Simon said. "I thought it was just a puppy thing, and I heard a snarl and I turned around and I thought it was just a dog and ended up it was coming right at me. All I could see was teeth."

    1/27/10 GREENBURGH, N.Y. -- Police in Westchester County are looking for a coyote that has attacked twice. The first incident involved a woman walking on a trail. The second involved a pit bull. Both attacks happened in the town of Greenburgh. What began as a leisurely afternoon stroll through a local wooded park ended in a shockingly violent and unexpected attack.

    10/28/9 Cape Breton park. Toronto singer killed by coyotes.
    Taylor Mitchell, a 19-year-old Toronto singer whose debut album was released in March, has died in a Nova Scotia hospital after being mauled by coyotes in a Cape Breton park.
    Mitchell was hiking Tuesday on the Skyline Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park when she was attacked by two coyotes. Another hiker, who was walking nearby, heard her cries for help and called 911.

    ...I have a toddler. After seeing one in my hedge after playing with him RIGHT there minutes before, I am not taking any chances...

    I lost three hens last year to the bastards. Not this year...

    Typical liberal stupidity. Break your leg, bleed and watch how they co-exist with you Rep. So and So.

  2. Coyotes are here for pelts, target practice and to feed the vultures and critters of the night.

    I remember in more respected time
    I got $25.00 a coyote killed. I
    had to bring the ears, two front
    paws or the pelt to the local game and fish office in flagstaff, where i was living at the time.

    These no good, clever, thieving varmints were a constant source of conflict with my friend's ranch
    livestock and they had four or five dogs killed by coyotes over the years I helped out at their ranch. It was at 7500' elevation
    and the coyotes were always skulking about. We used coyote getters loaded with compound 1080
    and placed them where ONLY a coyote,wolf or fox would get the 1080.

    Those were fine days. Sitting on
    a good horse popping vermin, no
    limits at all. Best day I had was 12 coyotes in one day. I still shoot them every chance I can here in Oregon.

  3. aww, my heart goes out to steve, what a loss

  4. My heartfelt HUG to Steve for his little dynamo! What a cutie.

    I just lost mine last Friday, rip my heart out of my chest, coz I miss her so much. R.I.P. Baby Bella. I luv's you.


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