
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Will I see you there, Big Boy?

My employer donates stuff every day for community events and todays' lucky recipiant was the gay pride parade in San Fransicko.
They were given 11 pallets of bottled water and - I shit you not - a pallet of hand sanitizer.
A pallet of hand sanitizer for the gay pride parade........

Then my boss told me to haul it halfway across a crowded warehouse and gave me a handful of placards to display on all four sides before I put them in their slots.
Rather than wait until I slotted them before labeling them, I labeled them first and took the long way to where they needed to be. Now my warehouse is just under a million square feet and I covered every fucking inch of that warehouse, giving everybody a good laugh at me and something smart to say, a little break in the boredom.
By the time I got back to the office to tell my boss I was done, there were guys in there I didn't even see during my wanderings laughing and wondering if I was going to wear some Daisy Dukes and my cowboy boots to the parade.
Hey, as long as I can bring my bullwhip.......


  1. I'd like to see you in the Daisy Dukes and Cowboy Boots, ya little Buccanner.

    Sorry Lisa, I got carried away.

    Good on ya Wirecutter, I wish I could have been there to watch the strut. ;)

  2. Personally, I recommend Carhartt bibs and a coonskin cap for such an event.

  3. Hey Deb, I have his outfit all ready...and we will be get the best SEATS! LOL...Dick has a preference for peach! I'll try for pics..I can hear himw, singing, "I ride my horse I shoot my gun, a cowgirls work is never done" Yee Haw!! Oh Good morning Dick...XO

  4. The smile is worth a million dollars!

  5. And good morning to you, Sweetie.

  6. Yeah Stevie, I'm pretty sure my camo bibs and shorty wouldn't be appropriate there......

  7. Awesome Kenny!!! Everyone needs a good laugh every now and again... you da man!!!

  8. If you can't lick em, join em...

  9. Lisa - Will he be wearing the Daisy Dukes and boots? I'll send him my collection of pink hair scrunchies for his braids. Don't forget to put flowers in his hair, too...woo hoo!

    Do you think he'll change his name to Kandy Ken?

    Just a thought.

  10. lot a shit goin down with h2o employees right now. fuckin went from 1200 pissed of mfkrs to 470. same shit, smaller crowd. sometimes i miss those rollup doors. but when they came out with the headsets, i had to go. i was gonna nut up soon. anyway, "city,s "cool but they fuck with us just the same as you. "divide and conquer".you know. much love,randy.

  11. Ooh! Hows about Mossy Oak bibs with the tail end cut out "ass-less" chaps style, pink crocs and a "I FREDDIE MERCURY" airbrushed panel on the back of a studded denim jacket. I'd pay a dollar to squint at that!


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