
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Remember gubmint cheese? Now it's gubmint prunes.

D.C. Purchases $29 Million Dollars Worth Of California Prunes

It's part of a federal program that helps protect U.S. farmers who grow highly nutritional products from lower-priced foreign imports.
The U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack on Tuesday announced the purchase of 25 tons of the fruit. The purchase is more than double the $11.7 million of fruit the government purchased last year.
The prunes, which are made from dried French D'Agen plums, will be shipped to food banks and nutrition programs across the country.
California grows 99 percent of the U.S. supply.
- via Lisa


Well, shit me silly. Moochelle starts hyping up healthy eating and while taking a break from her vacations tells her ol' man to go buy a shitload (pun intended) of prunes but don't go a penny over 30 mil so we can give them away. What a great idea!
Kinda sorta reminds me of when I was in Amsterdam (never mind what for) about 30 years ago and my connection tour guide pointed out a warehouse where thousands of paintings were stored that the liberal Dutch government had bought from local artists because they weren't good enough for the art market.

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