
Sunday, November 20, 2011

OWS: If a Cop Tries to Arrest You, Kill Him

Every single day that passes, Occupy Wall Street becomes more violent and more desperate. After over 4,000 arrests, dozens of rapes, hundreds of thefts, and multiple murders, it is exceedingly evident that OWS is an anarchistic group of morons with no apparent purpose.

The only rallying cry they see to have is, "We are the 99%," a lie that spits in the face of the facts. However, it appears that OWS has a new cry: kill the police. Occupy Wall Street is now advising people to resist arrest. And they do not mean peacefully existing arrest. No, instead OWS suggests that, if a police officer tries to arrest you, you have the right to murder him on the spot.
Read the rest here at Pundit Press. Read the comments also.


What's going to happen when one of these fuckers actually do try to kill a cop and he defends himself and/or fellow officers?
They're going to fucking crucify him, and I ain't talking about just the media. Everybody from his supervisors on up are going to get a piece of him. Then DOJ is going to try and fry him, then the ACLU is going to fire off lawsuit after lawsuit for him violating that poor defenseless hippies' rights. Just wait and watch.


  1. Kind of sounds like musslime mentality behind that idea. You have a right to kill them, bullshit. I hope the cops have the right to kill back.
    To quote Jock Ewing in the "Dallas" series, "Power isn't something you're given,it's something you take!" We have to take it back from those dregs.

  2. Why should we care? The hippie and the cop both vote Democrat don't they?

  3. It's been my understanding that most cops can't stand liberals either, stemming from judges and lawyers who dismiss charges and reduce sentences of those "poor" criminals.
    And I've yet to run into a hippie that actually voted - most of them are content with protesting to get their way.

  4. Sometimes when they kill ya, ya gotta kill them back.

    Fuck Obama

  5. Well, like the poor dickhead who jumped your truck, and if he had a tire iron or something else in his hand, be me,I woulda capped him in the pelvis. Balls and dick being the sight picture. But if he bleeds out 'cause I clipped the femoral, then that's why I have attorneys.
    Sorta the way I roll.


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