
Friday, January 20, 2012

Cop or Soldier?

Cop or Soldier?
21 pictures, you guess if it's a cop or a soldier.
Take the test HERE

I didn't do very well, 13 correct answers.
Take the quiz and then a moment to remark in the comments how you did. Don't be ashamed if you score low. The militarization of LEO makes it hard to tell.

Thanks to Skidmark for passing along the link.


  1. I got 17, but I cheated. I concentrated on the uniforms, helmets, backgrounds, how the uniforms were worn, and how dirty the equipment was or wasn't, rather than what was actually going on in the pictures.

    Cops do shit all the time that soldiers have way too much discipline to do; they don't have a clue how to wear a uniform properly, and very seldom does their equipment see real use - so it stays clean. Four pictures still fooled me, though.

    Fuck obama!

  2. i got 12

    some of those were very misleading

  3. I tried the same thing too, 454. I was also checking the ages of the men - grunts tend to be younger.
    Fuck obama!

  4. I had 18... BUT my take on it is this: If I'm in Law enforcement I want the Best equipment I can get to do my job. I don't care if it's a damn rocket launcher to evict a cracked out thug from a hotel room. I don't want to do it with a pea shooter and badge...

    Now if military attire and weapons help do the job they are supposed to do, then those very same weapons and gear are the PEOPLES gear too. IF the LEO's are serious about the oath... IF not Well,, did you really want to live forever?

  5. 14...tried all the same clue/tricks,tough to tell anymore.

    p.s.wirecutter did you ever know old dan the postryman from Turlock?

  6. 14...tried all the same clue/tricks,tough to tell anymore.

    p.s.wirecutter did you ever know old dan the postryman from Turlock?

  7. 17 here.

    Two other things that helped me: soldiers carry a *lot* more equipment than cops, and the cops tend to bunch up. One good spray and you'd hit half the cops, but soldiers know not to bunch up for just that reason.

  8. 14 right. Some were really difficult.

    Bushwack: Would that we had the disposable income provided by us, the taxpayers...

  9. I got 18, but I believe a couple of them are wrong (on their part). #12 is NOT a cop. Cops don't have AT-4s and M60 machine guns. That's an SF operator if ever I saw one. Also, the douchebag in the green coveralls, black mask, and his finger on the trigger of his MP-5 is not military. Just my two cents' worth; your mileage may vary.

  10. I got 13 correct. Got faked out by some of the equipment, APC etc. I do question why cops ever need cammo gear?
    If cops want to wear combat boots and cammo, they should join the Army.
    Paul in Texas

  11. 18 here, and I want to know which police department equips cops with M-60s and dragon launchers, which country allows beards with full battle rattle, and...
    Fuck obama!

  12. WTF are LEO's doing wearing jungle camo?

  13. Did alright as I have been both. 18 out of 21. Look at the uniforms and you can see a badge or shoulder patch for the cops and the soldiers and Marines have mostly matching uniforms and equiptment

  14. Subtleties...............

    Over on this side of the pond, at least where I live, we almost never see military forces, and of course most of our police are unarmed. Local exception – armed British Nuclear Constabulary at our local power plant.

    So.... body language, facial expressions............ the strutting arrogance of the lead officer of the file of police combined with the dumb “just following orders” look on the faces lined up behind him, as compared with the heads-up wariness of the soldiers in a similar situation.

    The determined certainty of “I am the law...”, versus the drawn pensiveness of the soldier waiting for insertion, or the dirty exhaustion of the line of soldiers just back from an operation.

    The shiny new “Tonka toy” look on the police armour, versus what you know Army armour looks like after its first outing on the training range.

    Personal kit:

    The police, with extensive frontal body armour and little extra personal kit, all shiny & new.

    The soldier, less personal armour because he's got to carry a 100lb back pack, all a bit raggedy (and it damn well better NOT be shiny...).


    The Soldier : “This is my personal lifeline”.

    The sturm-abteilung officers : “oohhhh, it's big & shiny & scaaawy! - maximum intimidation of civilians, whether lawbreakers or not...

    Just my tuppence worth, post on your comments if you think it's worth it.



  15. 16 of 21. I with Just John though. I'm not buying a couple that I got "wrong". But, what do I know. I was a squid.

  16. @@ BRYN -
    "The sturm-abteilung officers : “oohhhh, it's big & shiny & scaaawy! - maximum intimidation of civilians, whether lawbreakers or not.." -
    I award you the quote of the day prize, in that you have made not only the funniest but also the truest statement regarding the attitudes involved. Owe you a pint.
    All the best -

  17. For someone who likes bacon so much, you should have gotten a better score!

  18. 15 out of 21.
    And I use to be a cop.

  19. Just John, you were right on question 12, that's a member of the Alabama Nat Guards 20th SF in Afghanistan. If you look close behind his left shoulder is a pintle mounted Mk19 grenade launcher, along with the AT-4 rocket no cop is gonna have that much high powered kill shit. and the dude with the MP5SD and black flack vest is a cop not a soldier. so I got 19 out of 21 because of those two mistakes.

  20. Okay you POG's, it's ATD time, and right fukkin' now!
    19 mofo's, ONE NINER! got it? It's the little shit you don't pay attention to that get's you whacked... Wirecutter, I'm sooooo disappointed.

  21. 18 correct.
    As has been said: number 12 has an M60. I seriously doubt cops use machine guns anywhere (yet.. Detroit maybe)

  22. What Beaner said. No cop has an AT-4. Also German/Dainish camo on small helo, doubt that military. I got only 13, once 11 Bravo

  23. The test said I got 15 right, but for the same reasons the others said I award myself 17.

  24. I got 19 out of 21 correct. I think some of that was due to 32 years as a federal LEO (just retired in November), there were somethings in some of the photos that seemed a give-away to me, but about 2 or 3 maybe even 4 just were due to good guesses.

    The thing I do not like about military attire for police or even ninja attire for police is that there is, all too often, nothing identifying the officers as police or law enforcement. Whenever, and I do mean whenever, I went out on an operation to make an arrest or to conduct a search, I was adorned with markings that identified me as a law enforcement officer and ALWAYS had at least my badge prominently displayed even in an emergency operation. I mean, just look at some of these guys, not even as much as their badge showing.

    If a crew like some of them ever raided my home, there is a damned good chance that if I could get to a gun, I would be shooting at them because I would be of a reasonable belief that it was a push in robbery being perpetrated by a gang pretending to be police officers. Why, because those types of robberies are becoming rampant across the country, and because none were in a police departmnet UNFORM (note I did not say police department issue clothing, I said UNIFORM) and none are displaying their badges or anything that says police on it, or anything identifying their department on it. This goes AGAINST all training I received in the course of my 32 years as a federal agent and believe me, I was on enough felony raids, both on the federal and state/local levels, to have made my job more than just "May you lead an interesting life" Chinese fortune cookie interesting.

    In fact, my departments always had policies in place that when we were on a planned operation we always wore raid gear identifying us as who we were. That raid gear was the departmental issued gear with the words Police and/or Federal Agent blazened on it, sometimes the agency name, and often with a representation of our badge also attached. If the representation of the badge was not atatched, I wore my badge outside - either attached to the vest or raid gear, or on a chain around my neck. It was not only good official policy demanding we always identified ourselves properly, it was also good sense because in many cases it probably kept us from being shot by bad guys or good guys who otherwise would have thought us a criminal team instead of a LE team.

    All the best,
    Glenn B

  25. 18, and I never served as either police or military. Kind of funny, I got in an argument earlier today about the thought of LEOs thinking they're soldiers.

  26. JustJohn and I eat at the same trough i would guess.

  27. I got 17 out of 21 ... not bad for a girl ;)

  28. 20 out of 21 no problem. It is simple, 454 had most of it. Look for the worn equipment of professionals vs shiny ninja bits that get worn 1-2 a month. Also look for D-bag behavior, notice how only the cops wear masks, or the one balancing on the helo strut facing inwards? Only one that fooled me was the MP5 with black vest, booger hook on the bang switch fooled me, though no LEO would be caught in mismatched colors come to think of it.

  29. 15. Cops and soldiers should be more distinguishable. Their jobs should be too.

  30. 17, used mostly environmental clues and in one picture the face of a man that truly looked like a soldier.(and i was right).

  31. 17 of 21. My mistakes were all in thinking cops were soldiers, not the other way around

  32. 13 out of 21, just like you, Wirecutter. While I was checking uniforms, helmets, etc., I did not notice "shiny" vs "dirty". I'll try to do better next time!

    Regards to all,

  33. 20 of 21 ....Had to really look close on alot of those though...Hard to tell...Of course thats the point !

  34. 17 out of 21 age and lack of markings indicate cop soliders have to have identifing markings on uniforms.

  35. 16, couple i got from noticing females in the platoons. Seems that fems have made quite a bit of advancement in the military when it comes to being in on the action, but not so much with LEO. Also one with a group of guys painting up around my age. Figured if they were army, and had survived this long, they would've said fuck it to the face paint.

  36. 17. It blows that it was that hard.

  37. Same score as himself. Got tripped up by the one everyone says is wrong and I agree - cops don't have The Pig.

  38. 17. But if they kick in my door at 0400, I won't try to identify them.

  39. 15 however if they are in front of my house there is no difference that concerns me.

  40. our Score » 12 out of 21 points ( 57% )
    Answered Correctly » 12 Questions
    Answered Incorrectly » 9 Questions

    WOW that was bad. I must just be getting to damn old. I figure I will stay on my mountain and just shoot any helmet I see.

  41. 14 Kenny... and I'm surprised I get that many... it's getting harder and harder to tell who's who without a scorecard anymore... one day soon they'll all be the same anyway... welcome to the United States of We're So Fucked America.


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