
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

And they wonder why they don't get any respect

(ABC News) — The normally dignified Blue Room at the White House became a late-night show comedy set last month when first lady Michelle Obama engaged in a friendly game of tug of war with host Jimmy Fallon, according to a photo released by the White House today.
The scene, part of a taping for Fallon’s show, is meant to promote Mrs. Obama’s commitment to physical activity — and good humor — on the second anniversary of her “Let’s Move!” initiative aimed at fighting childhood obesity.
The first lady embarks Thursday on a three-day national tour to celebrate the milestone with stops in Iowa, Arkansas, Texas and Florida.


Her old man puts his feet on the fucking furniture and she plays games for her own publicity in the White House.
Fucking ghetto ni........ nah, I ain't gonna say it.


  1. The Office of The Presidency, an Office of respect, has turned into a freakin clown show with this idiot and his shaved sasquach of a hater wife.
    This joke must go and all we have to fight it is Mittens? WTF. Well I guess ya gotta do what ya gotta do, if Mittens wins, we will have to wait 4 MORE years for a Real Conservative. Good luck to us, and good luck to the USA. We are going to need it.

  2. My thoughts Exac....nevermind...
    this whole thing is not going to end well...

  3. Playboy magazine reportedly offered Sarah Palin $4,000,000 to pose nude in an upcoming issue.

    Michelle Obama was offered $50 by National Geographic.

  4. Fucking ghetto ni........ nah, I ain't gonna say it.





    NINNYWIFFER! (check urban dictionary...)

    I wonder what you could possibly be trying to say...

  5. Respect for the office? Nah! Ain't got none, that's for sure.....

  6. Ghetto through and through. Who was it that described the obamas behavior as that of "two sharcroppers who just won the lottery"? So True. I believe he was black, too.

  7. I've been giving that "Let's Move" suggestion a lot of thought lately. But where would I move to?

  8. And all this time I though that Amazon was a vacation planner.

  9. Janet "Nappy the Clown" IncompetanoFebruary 8, 2012 at 12:48 PM

    Of course, having Jimmy Phallus there doesn't help class things up either. But wait until next week - they are getting their old sofa moved to the 'front porch' and setting up a TV on the front lawn.

    You know, for all his faults, you can NOT imagine in your wildest dreams, Pres. Bush doing the Watusi Shuffle or the electric worm, to a gangsta band in the white House, or getting BJs from a young intern girl in the Oval Office, or standing entranced in front of a full length mirror in the West Wing for ten minutes at a time. Only the Dems are so fucking trashy, vile and utterly classless as to bring their corrupt perversions into the White House, like tracking dog shit on your boots into the Louvre.

  10. Go aheah say it, say it!
    Sometimes the most honest
    facts, regardless of how
    painful to some, must be
    said the loudest, continuously
    and most often.
    To be honest and fair, the White House,
    Presidency, Congress and our Republic has been continuously shit on long before the arrival of collectivist Sotero and his lackeys.

    Most sincerely and respectfully, Dwayne "Black man" Chandler, US Army medic.

    P.S., I am who I say.
    It's much to late in the day and cowardly to post anonymously(my opinion).
    The ghetto mentality(not bound by race) will be the death of us all.

  11. Love the contrast in that photo between those two dumbasses, and the painting of George Washington in the background. He must be rolling in his grave. Craig Ferguson is much better than Jimmy Fallon.

  12. I'm just wondering why nobody else is commenting on the too-obvious fact that the rope is either attached to someting rather high up behind her or being held by someone rather tall. In other words, neither of them is actually exerting any effort.

    Having just written that, I realize how appropriate it is, considering the totality of the moment.

    stay safe.

  13. OK< I have to ask, Who is on the other end of the rope behind the mooch?


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