
Wednesday, February 01, 2012

One of the mysteries of life

Miss Lisa and her son are kicking back watching Dog the Bounty Hunter and it got me to wondering how come nobody ever shoots that motherfucker?
Hey, if I had some wild-eyed dude with a mullet and dressed in black with shit hanging from every appendage and pocket* charging me, I might get nervous and accidentally shoot him dead fucking center in the nose. But nobody ever shoots Dog, even with all the wanna-be cop shit he pulls. Why not? Fuck, Beth hasn't even unloaded on him yet and you know he'd be an annoying motherfucker to live with. What the fuck?

* It occurred to me as I was proofreading that except for the mullet, I just described every cop in the Free World.


  1. What really sucks is that piece of shit is always here in my town filming. It was funny though when his dipshit son got arrested for assault.

  2. Might be the camera crew with him...that tape would be Exhibit #1 at the trial.

    Just a thought.

  3. Um, because all that crap is staged?

  4. Staged and he films in Hawaii. Not many guns over there. He couldn't pull that crap in a state where the people are free.

  5. You ever notice he never goes after some real bad-ass muderatin operators like me and Wirecutter ?
    Naw he goes after some strung out junkie bitches that got the jonesin shakes going on...Then wants to have a come-to -jesus prayer meeting. Me or Kenny would have a real life CTJ situation for him if he ever came after us. He's a celebrity money whore, nothin more.

  6. His hair is never messed up. It is always arranged perfectly on his shoulders. What sort of weirdo would have bleached blonde hair at his age anyway?

  7. He takes the wanna be thugs and dopers bonds.

  8. Shot while being taped??? Now THAT would be a true reality show! And I'd watch it over and over and over....

  9. Same thought about the repo-tards, both the fat fucking border-jumpers and the inbred hillbilly fuck-tards. They may have a piece of paper that says they can take something, IF THEY CAN. But, they don't have the right to trespass. That turns it into a MAKE MY DAY situation. All these parasites thrive because people are in a hard place, not always of their own making.



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