
Monday, March 19, 2012

Man, I don't know what the fuck I've done now......

 NASA? For real? What in the fuck would NASA being doing here? I mean, I don't they don't have shit else to do thanks to the Obamessiah, but damn.....

 This is the really strange one. When I clicked on the entry and exit pages on the one from Boeing, it took me to different pages every time. I clicked on them 4 or 5 times and went to different pages, spread out over a couple years.

This is the one I can't figure out. Somebody from the UN googling funny pics don francisco?


I use the free sitemeter on account of me being a cheap bastard so I can only track the last 100 visitors. I came home a few minutes ago and hit my sitemeter to find these four within my last 100 hits. I ususally don't find this kind of shit over an entire day, if I do catch it at all.
Never got a hit from NASA before, I gotta admit that.


  1. Huntsville, is where the Uof A is located. This is where Dr.s Spencer and Christy work. Part of their work is the temp record from sattelites. They are skeptics of AGW, so maybe one of them was reffered to your site?

  2. Just shows how popular you are. Loved the UN one!

    I've had hits from the FAA (thanks to you), most branches of the military (thanks to you) and Oprah (probably because I called her an egotistical cow, but it could have been from you, too).

  3. Let's see.
    The VA wants to find out if you're getting any benefits so they can take them away. NASA wants to figure out your location for the best satellite to track you with. Boeing is dovetailed into that with the surveilance drone to figure how much armor they might need to put on it, and the UN want's your address so they can eventually show up at your house in those big black armored personnel carriers.

    Hey, it's only Monday to boot!

  4. FWIW, I am at MSFC (NASA) in Huntsville, AL. However, I am under directions NOT to visit you during work! Besides, it it was from a MAC, those guys are nuts anyway.....

  5. The lock ward at the VA leaves the nurses station computer on once in a while and thats how I check the site when I can wiggle out of my white longsleeved dinner jacket.

  6. Quit, you guys. You're spoiling my paranoid moment.

  7. some e2 with his dick in 1 hand clicking on toe wit the other....

  8. Seriously,
    With THIS "administration" GOT to know ANYTHING negitave, posted about the god obama is gonna be investigated.

    Unless you're Eli Mcfearson, who fully admits she loves this bastard president...BECAUSE he's a Socialist. I now Hate that bitch.

  9. Really how dangerous could you be, I mean you live in Kalifornia, they've about disarmed the whole state. Just don't send them anywhere her Ohio.

  10. It's a homesickness thing, they just want to check out a site that doesn't succumb to PC.


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