
Monday, March 12, 2012

A National Emergency

Mike from Sob Street Irregulars is in the hospital having a growth removed from his belly and I'd like to wish him a quick recovery.
Not for his sake - his followers thinks he's Jesus, so he'll rise again - but for the sake of his faithful disciples/puppy dogs. Ever since he moved from his easy chair to his hospital bed, not a single window at a Democratic building has been broken. Motherfuckers are aimlessly wandering the streets with rocks clutched in their hands as they await the order from their Great Leader to launch their hand-held missiles. Traffic has backed up for miles as old men in flop hats and web gear block intersections while awaiting their orders.
Last report has rock quarries looted as his minions are stocking up on ammunition. Road construction has slowed to a crawl as the shortage of roadbed material dwindles. Obama is outraged as this eliminates both jobs he has created.
Please, Mike. Hurry up, recover, and take charge again. Your men are so distraught they're forgetting to take their Geritol.



  2. I'm not part of the 3% community, so I'm not privy to the politics involved, but I don't see any of Vanderboegh's detractors exposing ATF programs like Fast & Furious. It's difficult for me to overlook the public service V. provided by bringing that abomination into the light.

  3. Well - I will follow your advice and take my shitty comments down teh road.
    Having known Mike for a lot of years - back when he invented the term three per centers and started the whole movement - I have no need to read such unmitigated and unnecessary busshit from someone who doesn't know the man.
    And if you're interested ( not) I didn't carry a goddam ROCK in Nam, I carried a rifle.
    So fuck off, pal. And take your REMFs with you.

  4. If you would read the post a little closer, it was his fucking followers that it was directed at. I had caught a load of bullshit from a few of them over something else.

    And I got news for you - he didn't start the fucking movement. He might think he did, but guess what? I been doing this shit long before I ever heard of him.

  5. Bob - he exposed it. Big deal. What good did it do?
    And Mexico isn't really at the top of my list of places to worry about.

  6. Fuck. Like it or not, you harshed him.

  7. excellent post Walter zoomie

  8. Well

    You didn't lose this reader.

    I got the point of your first post, didn't seem all that hard to figure out.

    You win some you lose some brother.

    You one of the funniest fuckers round these parts, keep it up.

  9. The collective gene pool will improve when Mike finally hands out the special Jim Jones Kool-Aid and those who bend knee at his alter drink deeply.


  10. So, who's Mike? I wish him well, but never heard of him. Is he a war hero? Philanthropist? Did he win American Idol? Am I missing something here?

  11. Mr Miracle - Mike writes Sipsey Street Irregulars.

  12. That's what you get when you bend over for Uncle Sammy to get you out of jail.

    Fuck Mike V. I hope he rots from the inside out.

  13. Aww shit, ya done stirred up the Sopeseys : )

  14. HEY! What about your lady readers? We are here, we may not comment all the time, and we don't always send you photos of our boobs or want to see photos of bimbo boobs.

    God help you if you post that photo I sent you when I was drunk.

    I don't know who the hell Mike is but tell him I said "hi".

  15. I would wager that Mike and Wirecutter have more in common when it comes to what they'd like to see in restoring rights to the citizens of this country than what they don't.

    The destination is probably the same, but the journey is different.

  16. Won't be darkening your door again. Give kerodin a big smooch for us, will ya?


  17. Drank the Kool-aid, didn't you TD?
    Thanks for proving my point, man.
    Unlike you, I don't suck anybody's ass - I make my own decisions and I form my own opinions.

  18. Ha Ha Ha Ho Ho Ho `And you guy`s think you are going to face the most murderous killing machine ever on earth?!.He He He.


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