
Saturday, May 05, 2012

Well shit, I goofed. Happens all the time......

Hey, in case anybody got the wrong idea about my post HERE, The first picture is a screen shot of my latest visit from the feds and then there's the III Percent graphic below it with the words Go Get Fucked above it.
With the font that I used, it looks like a separate post and I'm telling the III to go get fucked. That's not the case - I was telling the State Department as a III Percenter to go get fucked.

Thanks to Sam for bringing my attention to it. Like I replied to him, I'm with this shit until the day the Feds shoot my ass. I ain't giving it up.


  1. I knew what you were alluding to all along. Don't be so apologetic. It's your blog to begin with.

  2. Anybody who knows you, knows EXACTLY what you meant, Ken.'s probably a good thing you clarified it for the benefit of people who don't stop by very often.

  3. Ken, never was any doubt in my mind... although the whole Obama-Romney thing had me puzzled at first. Sure would be nice to have a GOOD choice!

  4. No sweat,we knew what it meant.Fuck obama.


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