
Monday, June 18, 2012

Comment of the Day (again)

From HERE again:

Anonymous said...

you are exactly the problem with the world. You pride yourself on owning a weapon when I guarantee you should not have the right to own one. Why kill these animals? It's funny how the individuals (red necks) who hunt and kills defenseless animals are the ones with minimal education. Let me guess, you never graduate from high school and now you work a dead-end job where you make a minimal salary and the only days you look forward to are your hunting days. What a great American you are.
June 18, 2012 11:03 AM

Bloggerwirecutter said...

You didn't read the text before the pictures, did you, dumbass?
Fuck you. Go pet a wolf.
June 18, 2012 11:29 AM


I thought about closing that particular posts to comments a few days ago but damn, I get so much material from there.
I did add some text that I referred to in my reply. I'll save you the trouble of clicking over and do my computer wizardry for you and copy-n-paste it.

If you're a PETAphile or one of those folks that believe that there are no predators in the world and we can co-exist with nature, don't even bother commenting. For one, I don't want to hear your fucking opinion and #2, you ain't gonna say nothing I haven't already heard before from a dozen other cowardly anonymous motherfuckers.


  1. I'm sorry, but the educator in me won't let this one slide:

    "It's funny how the individuals (red necks) who hunt and kills defenseless animals are the ones with minimal education."

    Really? Anybody see the glaring discrepency in noun/verb agreement? "Individuals" would hunt and KILL. And they call us uneducated. Never piss off a red-headed school marm.

  2. Remember, half of hoplophobes lack a penis, the other half are women.

  3. While you are at it, send the hippie down here to Belmont County Ohio and he can pet some cute little 300 pound feral pigs.

  4. Dude, you HAVE to come to the Gun Blogger Rendezvous. You're only 3.5 hours away!

    I'll buy you a beer!

  5. Steve, snort-worthy comment of the day. Wirecutter, you're very welcome. Old habits die hard, especially for teachers. It's not a job, it's a calling.

  6. Nothing more amusing than being browbeaten by those that feel they are our intellectual superiors. This "anonymous" chickenshit would not exist on the face of this earth if it's relatives didn't survive by eating meat. I suppose it doesn't eat meat of any sort, wear leather shoes, etc. Maybe it eats meat, but has the dirty work done by someone else - someone lower in stature. That would be typical leftist behavior.

  7. Timbo,
    I used to question the PETAphiles who came to my class wearing Birkenstocks (God awfulest damn things I ever saw). Amazing what they can do with hemp and soy, isn't it? And then I had to explain where "suede" originated. Giggles.

  8. It's absolutely hilarious that the commenter referred to gun owners as minimally educated when he or she can't even put together a coherent sentence.

    Those who are against the killing of "defenseless" animals are the ones lacking education. I suppose they think it better that the animals starve to death from overpopulation or impact the grill and windshield of some old lady's 1986 Buick at 65 mph.

  9. Even with my minimal education I need to point out that you should have used the past participle of the verb graduate. And redneck is one word.

    You're welcome moron.

  10. LOLSSSS ! Fucking PETA dicksuckers ! To tell ya the truth i'm a member of the other PETA....People Eating Tasty Annimals ! These Liberal/ PETA turds are the first to say OOOOO ! Thats racist ! Yet they have no qaualms calling someone a redneck or other wise. Liberals = HYPOCRISY .

  11. Curious as to whether or not these petaphiles take antibiotics to kill off those microscopic predators that invade their mouth-breathing bodies. Is it not the same as killing the fur-bearing type of predators that roam the forest?

    To do the meds to kill off body parasites and bitch about those who hunt furballs is rather interesting. Perhaps the petaphiles should practice what they preach and quit taking meds that kill off the bacteria and virii that invade their widdle bodies and make them sick. Do us all a favor and become a martyr for the righteous cause of saving the e-coli.


  12. Shit, I must not fit into PETAs idea of Cro-Magnon hunter killers or of their idea of a redneck. I got a HS diploma, graduated college, have 36 credits in a master's program with a 3.78 GPA, made well over $100,000 last year, live in New York and I love to go hunting and to eat meat. I wear leather too and love to see women in fur. I wonder how they would explain me.

  13. These tree hugging peta-phyles think these wild wolves are Lassie. They don't understand the laws of nature and the wild. They will be the first to perish when teotwawki happens.

  14. Can I post a link? Maybe them wolves ain't so warm and fuzzy after all!

  15. How exactly is a wolf a "defenseless" animal? What does this moron think the sharp teeth are for? Eating grass?

  16. I loved the comment from the guy who asked vegans how loud their carrots screamed when yanked from the ground.

  17. Billions of animals are killed in the fields each year by plows,harvesters and pesticides so that these bleeding hearts can have their tofu. The vegans hands aren't bloodless.

  18. REDNECK is one word their dumbass. Sounds like the same sumbitches im puttin up with in my own life. Callin me stupid and sayin wait ill copy n paste: Trish Metzger "Educations over rated.. just get a gun. You don't need to know anything else except how to shoot." well yea gotta know how to shoot to survive n eat. also one other motherfucker that reads too much into shit i post. this started out with the picture of the Queen was shootin that machine gun and i put, another reason the Queen of England is better than obama. He went on with his bullshit i already knew.

    love your shit wirecutter. we are few but by god we are proud.

  19. Kenny, what Kevin said.
    I'll buy you and Lisa [if she can make it], beers and a nice dinner.
    Plus, y'all can shoot all my shit with my ammo.
    Fuck obamy.


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