
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Uh-oh I've done it now.....

The latest exchange from my now infamous Big Bad Wolf post.
There was more to it but there were a shitload of other comments in between and I didn't feel like editing them all out. You can go there yourself and check them all out.

Anonymous said...

do u have to curse so much? I wonder how would you boys do with those animals, without ur guns - u people are all talk

wirecutter said...

Anonymous: We'd do a hell of a lot better than you would, you can't even spell simple words like You and Your.
YOU need to go back to school and while YOU'RE there, YOU should learn to mind YOUR own business.

lmao! I don't know how to spell! I know how to spell, but u have no clue what is nova days internet etiquette.
You present urself as a dumb redneck, with all your cursing and those animals you kill, are way better than you are. If you are so "brave" why don't you hunt with your bare hands. Why do you hide behind your big gun? Btw, bragging about making 4 times the minimum wage is hilarious! Where I live, that would make you a total loser, no one would be impressed with your guns or your philosophy. You would probably be a handyman in one of our mansions or summer house in Hampton's. So long Mr.Four Times the Minimum Wage
p.s. instead of sending someone to school, cursing others, why don't you have a conversation based on valid points and courtesy - oh no, you won't have one - because world is a jungle! LOL

wirecutter said...

Nobody is impressed by the fact you live in the Hamptons on money you didn't earn, Sweetie. Maybe your daddy is, but I'm guessing he's getting tired of your freeloading ass anyways.
If you want a courteous conversation, why didn't you start one instead of talking shit?
And excuse me for assuming you're a female - if you're not you sure missed a bet.
And as long as you're trash talking MY bravery, why aren't you using your real name instead of hiding under anonymous?
By the way, you can justify your misspelled words, but they are still misspelled and make you look like a dumb fucking cunt to everybody but your texting friends.
-Kenny Lane
Ceres, CA

yep, as I thought, u r nothing but a redneck, talking with u is beneath me and I am sorry for u, u r nothing but a h8er (I don't expect u to know what it means). Daddy did not pay for a thing, there are smart, educated people making tons of money and they do not need to curse and wave their dick to prove to something. I will be reporting ur web to various agencies, I'll make sure you will pay for you are doing, hunting wolves in Ohio is illegal and since you you enjoy foul language so much hope you have a great evening you dumb fucktard :)

wirecutter said...

Sweetheart, just where in the fuck did you get the idea I'm from Ohio? Or that I killed a wolf illegally?
Go ahead and report all you want, all you'll do is show off your ignorance to a whole new group of people.


  1. LOL where's the "like" button when you need one. Calm maturity -vs- more spelling errors as the nerves kick in. But really, the Daddy comment says it all..

  2. Lol love it. As far as the killing wolves thing goes the wife said she couldnt kill one but wants to ride that big white one like a pony. Had to tell her that most ponys wont try to eat you. I cant see going out in the woods in the cold to do it but thats just me. The wonderful thing about freedom is your free to do it and I'm free to sit on my bum and look at your pics of it.

  3. she needs to go pet a wolf.

  4. She - or he-she - is a poster child for the aphorism: "Better to be silent and have people assume you are ignorant, than to speak and confirm it."

    She is probably one of those creatures who _enjoys_ having someone's bare hands around her neck, although she obviously wouldn't notice the lack of oxygen.

  5. The real question is if the anonymous author was one in the same as the little honey pictured under " The possibilities are endless", would you (a) say you would never hunt a poor little wolf again and do her six ways to Sunday or (b) tell her it would be stupid to hunt wolves using just your bare hands and walk away.

    Let's see, infinite positions versus hanging out with a bunch of guys in the woods. Damn, make me a reservation at the Holiday Inn. I'll hunt next weekend.

    Fuck Ubama and his nimions.

  6. Mr. Four Times The Minimum Wage? From where I sit that's damn good scratch in the Obameconomy mess we're in. We can't all be lazy freeloading twats from the Hamptons. How much is she paying the handyman to bang her in daday's garden shed?

  7. Haters gonna hate. I wouldn't bother having this discussion with this idiot as you cannot argue with someone whose head is like a cinderblock; flow through ventilation. People think nuature is so cute and wonderful and pretty but they have forgotten just how destructive these creatures an be. My brother-in-law has a farm and though we don't have wolves in this area, coyotes cause a lot of problems. So they get shot. Predators are just that, predators. This ain't no grocery store. Some people just aren't worth any effort, unless of course, you just want to have some fun and expose them for the dummies that they really are. And before she starts yelling at me, No, I don't have a small dick, or so my wife tells me.

  8. Anon is the perfect example of the word idiot. "nova days internet etiquette"? what the fuck is that?? lol


  9. Coming soon:

    Wirecutter's Wild Wolf Petting Adventure for Petaphiles

    Reach out and touch nature and let nature touch you back.

    I think it might be time to thin the herd a bit.

  10. Oh shit, not the old "various angencies" threat! Weeza in big trouble now!
    By the way anonopest, it is unlikely that you would be here, let alone be here a free person if we didn't have our big guns. And our big dicks!
    Feel free to keep the entertainment coming, though.

  11. If she's so fucking superior, of course she runs her own blog, Right?

  12. Get 'em, Bubba. Well done and I'm laughing my ass off...

  13. Newspeak is shitspeak.

    Youspeak is allspeak.

    Allspeak can suck my cock.

  14. I hated to see the argument end. I was getting a chuckle out of the conversatrion. The longer it lasted the more fucked up and excited her words became. Hell Ken, maybe she was getting off talking dirty to you.............

  15. The kid from the Hamptons is just that ... a kid with a computer. No self-respecting adult uses the what amounts to computer ebonics (nova days internet etiquette) and expects to be taken seriously.

    Nova = New and there is nothing new about ignorance, nor an etiquette that permits a text message with grunting out abbreviations such as ur and r and h8 and the over-used LOL. That is for vacuum heads who live in basements for free.

    However, it is entertaining to observe the pain that these fagots are in when they come in contact a site like this one. It burns a hole in the marshmallow world they live in.

  16. This person is probably with the OWS crowd like all the feel good leftist that are still in school and are totally clueless how the real world operates being insulated by daddy's money.

  17. In the words of the immortal Agent J Anon.
    "Don't start none, won't be none"

  18. Kenny, I'm not gay, but I think I love you. Keep up the good work.


  19. Jeez, I have read some stupid shit lately, but that really takes the cake. Proud of being an idjit, ANd trying to tell us we are stoopid rednecks?? I am so glad my son and daughter know how to spell correctly.
    Kenny, he/she just know you were from Ohio because you signed your message with "CA" and all the little texting twerps know that is shorthand for Ohio! I am from TX, so I must live in Portland, right?

  20. Here's a fine example of the asshole Anon as to why we don't use our hands.

    **Man trying to rescue mouse from cat gets plague

  21. Stop giving the 12 year old cunt a soapbox. Block her IP.

  22. First rule of the internet: do not get into an argument (especially with idiots). Nice come back on your part. By the way (BTW), what exactly is in the scope (telescope sight) in your banner? Hopefully it's a wolf or some such - way too much to hope it is an idiot responder to your comments. Keep up the good work.

  23. where in the fuck she get Ohio from? There are alot of rednecks in Ohio but we didnt have any wolves in Ohio but in the damn zoo. Man this sounds more like the assholes ive been dealin with more and more. to quote my dad the "elitist" have no clue of the real fuckin world because they are handed everything. i rather make 4 times the minimum wage and work for everything i have then it given to me. theres no pride when you are given shit. fuck that lil princess

  24. Wow, ignorance at its finest.

  25. Your public education dollars at work.

  26. I don't know about you WC. but if I didn't have my guns, I'd have to pull out my old Bear Whitetail II, pop on a broadhead, and wait for 'em to get a bit closer. (I don't keep any ready made spears around the house.)


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