
Thursday, June 07, 2012

United Nations Small Arms Treaty

United Nations Small Arms (Gun Confiscation) Treaty to be Ratified by the US Senate in 2012

Thanks to Dave for the video


  1. And this is why person-to-person sales of used guns are great..........I mean a dangerous loophole.

  2. FUCK THE BLUE HELMETED BASTARDS. Get these fucks out of our country and take the fucktard democrats that want this bill with them.

  3. I urge you to read NRA's Wayne La Pierre's book "America Disarmed- Inside the U.N. & Obama's Scheme to Destroy The Second Amendment" After only reading the first 50 pages of this 642 page book, I was pissed off so much as to what I read this treaty will do to our rights, I had to put it down and take a walk.

  4. Bring it on, I believe it is time for a news civil war. I can shoot blue helmets just as easy as we hunted gooks.

  5. It is time for a new revolution. Screw all the commie basturds.


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