
Sunday, August 05, 2012

Big Fucking Deal

Me and a buddy were talking the other day at work and he started talking about Aurora shooting, then started bitching and moaning about all the new gun laws that were sure to result from it. I let him go on and on talking about how the world was gonna end and all that good shit and finally he noticed I wasn't getting all worked up with him. "What the fuck, man? Am I right or wrong?"
"Hey, you may be right about a lot of it but the simple fact is, I don't give a fuck."
Seriously, I do not give a fuck about any new gun laws because I'm not going to obey them anyways. The only thing that might slightly affect me is internet ammo sales and that is a very slight inconvenience. Now I have to leave the house to buy ammo. Big fucking deal.
New restrictions on being able to buy a firearm won't apply because I'll find them 'elsewhere' if I need another one.
Restrictions on types or amounts of ammo an individual can own? Good luck with that one..... and you'll make me and a bunch of other folks rich running underground reloading factories - free enterprise, The American Way.
Limiting magazines capacities won't work either. There's a 10 round limit already here in California and I do not know a single magazine fed firearm owner that doesn't have at least a couple illegal magazines for his weapon.
So fuck no, I am not worried about any new restrictions.
III Percenter


  1. After enough actions become a crime we as a whole will all be criminals. When criminal behavior is the norm, one must redefine crime?

  2. I have been brainwashed into obeying every rule and adhering to some that haven't even been passed, just suggested. I wouldn't know how to obtain a weapon "elsewhere". I used to see this as a plus, a feather in my cap, but now I'm seeing it in an entirely different light. Just don't know how to change it. And that scares me a little.

  3. I'm squeaky clean about this stuff, but I sure do agree about the reloading.
    And my sweet little wife thinks it would be a GREAT hobby (as if I don't have enough already!) to get into.

  4. I see a hole to be filled. Define internet sales of ammo. If my buddy Wirecutter loads me up a bunch of ammo and sends it to me for an early Christmas present, where's the sale?

    And look - I just coincidentally paid him back the $300.00 bucks I borrowed last year!

  5. But , but ,Obaaaaaama want`s it !. Man they are really kicking this thing in high gear , another false flag attack in Wis. yesterday.They are desperate to disarm the people. I believe they are capable of anything at this point. This is a very dangerous rogue government gone insane !. " Full Spectrum Operation`s in the Homeland " The crazy motherfucker`s are declaring war on their own people now !.

  6. I am one who made a boat load of money on the last farce they called an assault weapon ban, they took off the bayonet lugs and there was still plenty of large mags, everything just went up in price, and gun makers made the same gun without certain scary looking items. I just wish the didn't stop importing the Chinese ak's, they rocked......

  7. Thanks for reminding me to order some shit from Midway.

  8. My sentiments exactly, Kenny!


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