
Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Gotta be California (again)


  1. Hmmm... a few things cum to mind..

    First Ewwwwww!!!
    That's gotta be fake... the badge I mean :P And it'so obvious them nipples have been under severe suction. As for Blondie, I don't think "she" needs that ring. Lip color is ALL wrong, and I do have to comment on the lovely bikini wax and tan lines, and I'd be willing to bet "she's" wearing hand cuffs back there. Bad Mr.Po-lice officer... Hey Wirecutter, he's got your mustache!!

    Last but not least... I DO NOT want to see what else is on that video camera...

  2. There are so many things to say, but none of them fitting for a lady such as myself.

  3. Where the hellllll do you get these freaky assed photos...wait...I don't want to know.

    Miss Violet
    PS- If it's in your neighborhood, you need to move dude. ;)

  4. This could be why my brother is trying to get transfered back to the Midwest. I couldn't believe it when he and his family moved TO Kalkifornia. I mean he had a job offer in Colorado too.

  5. I really don't know how you can stand to live in a state where ppl are so fucked up in the head they take pictures of how out of touch they are with reality .
    God bless ya Ken..........

  6. That's probably a real LAPD badge. Hollywood Division.

  7. I don't get it. What is it with freaks and leather? I guess I don't have the makings to be one of them.

  8. The badge could be real, Miss K.

    I saw a fireman in a Starbucks in Berkeley a few months back that would not be a fireman anywhere that I have lived!

  9. Could be Timbo, but I wouldn't touch "it" with a ten foot pole to find out... it can be their little secret ;-)

    ...and I just pray those snaps hold.


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