
Thursday, August 23, 2012

It's true, I'm a pig.

To help keep my mind off recent personal events I have undertaken cleaning out my gun safe.
Bad, bad fucking idea.
How bad can it be, you ask? Well, I have a small 9 rifle safe, measures about 18"x18"x4.5', fits nicely into my closet. How much shit can you cram in there, you ask? You wouldn't fucking believe it. Shit, I can't fucking believe it.
In the bottom of the safe I had my rifles and shotguns, 500 rounds of 41 magnum, 250 rounds of 45 ACP (running low there), 100 rounds of buckshot and 2000 rounds of 22LR, and a double fistful of 38 Special for my pocket rocket. Also had a dehumidifier, 3 loaded magazines of 223 for my Mini 14, a Ka-Bar and a multi-tool. I know that doesn't sound too bad until you considered that all that ammo was all bagged and mixed up in the bottom of the safe, piled around rifle muzzles.

I haven't even tackled the top shelf yet but just peering in there I can see car titles, a couple of my best skinning knives, a bunch of expired credit cards, personal checks, another multi-tool, an 1899 Indian Head penny, a deck of John Wayne playing cards, a set of allen wrenches, Punkindog's old collar, a bag full of coyote teeth, a flashlight, a cleaning kit, something turning green and I know for a fact I have several handguns (I hope that ain't what's turning green) and another fighting knife somewhere back there. I also know there's a stack of III patches as well as a shitload of Zoomie stickers in there because I ran across those the other day looking for a whetstone. Oh yeah, there's a whetstone in there. I think.

I'm thinking I need to get another safe - one for firearms and one for precious junk and ammo.


  1. I feel ya, bro. I bought smaller Liberty a long time ago and it's packed. It sure is amusing cleaning it out once in a while. I can't really go into the details...

  2. Sounds about like the closet in the "spare" bedroom/Radio Room!

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwn fuck WC, now ya went and done it. You mentioned a bag full of "coyote teeth" and you know how those peta(phile) dicksticks hate that kind of talk!!
    Be ready for some hate mail Dude. hahahaha

  4. Wiserangel, why ask? You know you're going to anyways.

  5. Just don't want to get banned, again. But MissK has talked me out of it. You guys just don't want to know what kinds of what-nots and mementos we keep in our jewelry boxes and lingerie drawers.

  6. Oh yeah, good thinking. Especially the part about the lingerie drawers.
    Whew. That was close.

  7. Punkindog ?
    Does CGD know?

    My 150 pound Rottie never knew of my 2.5 Toy Poodle.


  8. You need a Pendleton Safe!

    (no I don't work for 'em, but I wish I did sometimes)

  9. A second safe is a sign you may be a gun nut.

    "Need" for a second safe to fit everything in, also a sign of being a gun nut.

    A safe for ammo? I'd need about six big ones. As it is I've got a pile of surplus ammo cans. for the mini...I've got one of the new Ranch rifles. Came with 7 new factory mags, and I'd gotten 6 just to have in case I found one...but I haven't shot it yet.

    I think that's another sign of a "gun nut"...if you own more guns that you've never shot than guns you have shot. Maybe.

  10. Pakkinpoppa - Finally!!! Somebody understands.....

  11. Over here in this free-in-name-only corner of the world, you have to keep your ammo locked up somewhere that's not in your gun safe. And the gun safe, if it's not attached to the building structure, must weigh more than 330 pounds. I hate politicians and their clipboard-wielding flunkies.


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