
Thursday, August 23, 2012

The past couple of days here

Well, it's been a couple of days since I lost my Pops. Yes, it's sad but on the other hand you get to experience another part of life.

Thank God for my Uncle Ed. He's been like a fucking Rock through all this. Every time I went to Pops in the last days, he was either there already or just arriving. He's a hard motherfucker too - I ain't never seen that man shook up, even when he personally turned off the life support for his son after a car accident a few years back.

There's a bunch of shit that goes along with all that and it has to be done when you're at your lowest, right after you lost a loved one. Obviously it's a loved one, otherwise they'd just be chained up and deposited in a reservoir like...... never mind.
The family went to the mortuary and cemetery yesterday to make arrangements and I had a blast. I raided the candy jars in every room, tried to sneak a camel toe picture of one of the receptionists, passed out xanax to everybody in the room even offering some to the 'bereavement' dudes and babe - they refused and they were the ones that needed it the most - and was finally threatened with an escort when they caught me and Ed wandering the halls looking for the room they keep the dead dudes in. Them motherfuckers need to get a sense of humor, man.

I woke up this morning to a text from my little brother threatening me with a restraining order because I jerked his ass up short right after Pops died for being disrespectful. No, I did not break his rib like he claimed, I didn't thump him that hard. Fucking drama queen......

I took a couple weeks off work. Mom held the funeral off until the 1st so that we could get all of his family and friends here from all over the world. Some of these motherfuckers I haven't seen since I was a pup, so it's going to be interesting. Bunch of old dudes sitting around, drinking whiskey, telling war stories, trying to make everybody else believe that if only Westmoreland had just listened to him..... it's gonna be great.

So yeah, we all know life sucks and sometimes life kicks your ass. But if you don't stand up to it, deal with it and move on, then that's a lick on you.


  1. Good to see you're keeping your head on straight about this, Kenny.
    And I'm sure having Lisa with you helps a lot.....

  2. You're an extremely strong, True Man, and it doesn't surprise me in the least that you're standing tall through this. But honey, you might want to back off the Xanax just a wee little bit....

  3. Why lay off the xanax? He gave me a script for 100 - that'll last me til the funeral if I ration myself.
    I've got 90 left so that works out to what? 10 a day?
    I think that'll last me Wiserangel, but thanks for your concern.

  4. My Pops died in 1978,
    Same year my son was born,
    He turned out to be total piece of ass,
    So what is the moral of this story?
    Godbless Jack Daniels.

  5. Hang in there. It gets a little easier. Sounds like you're still a trouble maker. though!

  6. Sometimes you have to recognize Life is what it is and you just got to deal with it. Bless your Uncle Ed. And your Dad too. Hang in there.
    Westmoreland was a.....never mind.

  7. When my Dad passed away, much the same occured with our older family members getting together and reminecsing about the old days when they were kids. The years melted away and a lot of laughs, recalling old places long gone, people and events - a lot of family history.

    It is much easier recalling these things when several people who were there are around, each person adding details of what happened. Its pretty cool - I wish someone had a tape recorder of that stuff.

    My condolences man - you take care.

  8. Best thing to do is break open the whiskey and wine, drink and tell stories of the departed. We did that a few years back when Grand-pop passed, made the memories come alive and they have stayed that way ever since. Stiff upper lip, and all that rot! May GOD grant you only good memories of your Pop!



  9. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)August 24, 2012 at 7:28 AM

    Hang in there, Wirecutter and listen to some of the old dude's stories - you might learn something great about your Dad that you never knew. I didn't have services for my parents - I wish I did now though. I probably would have learned a lot more about them.
    Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  10. GD thats Funny, I love watching everyone suck up and say shit at Funerals, at my dads people he couldnt stand would come up and start w the..Me and your dad as I stared at them thinking..if he could raise up right now he would scream, Nigger Please!! Stay Hard

  11. I am starting to think we are somehow related..

    Glad you got your uncle, he sounds like a hell of a man.

  12. My father died a couple of years back. I saw him once right before he died, he looked like a friggin zombie, prostate cancer that had spread and virtually ate him away. I almost literally did not recognize him. In fact, at first I did not. Had not seen him in years and oh how he had changed due to the cancer - from a once powerful and fearful monster to a pitifully weak and dying one. I went to his funeral service at Calverton National Cemetary too. I still don't know why I visited him or went to the cemetary. He was a useless piece of shit. I thought about pissing on his grave but figured he wasn't even worth that from me. As I told him, I guess I only visited him in the hospice because of the very few good times I remembered before he left when I was about 8.

    I am not bringing that up to be disrepectful to you or your pops or for any pity for myself. Just the opposite to tell the truth. It is truly a nice thing for me to see how much you two were connected, how much you respected and loved one another. You were a lucky son and he a lucky dad to have been so close and good with one another.

    Grieve but also celebrate your lives together. Of course, I probably needn't have told you that, I think you know that is what to do.

    All the best,
    Glenn B

  13. When all those relatives are swapping lies and war stories for God's sake have a tape recorder going.
    Transcribe the good parts then burn the tapes.
    History like that has to be saved.

  14. if you don't stand up to it, deal with it and move on, then that's a lick on you.


  15. Im very sorry for your lose Kenny. You and your family are in my prayers.

  16. The more I read of you, the more impressed I become.

    Also, righteous comment Glen B.

  17. Just got back in to town and back to a computer, I am sorry to hear about your dad, but glad to see you still being you. And, I've been on xanax PRN (as needed) for years... no problems. I'll go months without and when I need it, it's there. Like if the alcohol is damn weak. ;)

  18. Sorry for your loss. Prayers sent.


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