
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

TSA 'chat-downs' investigated

The Transportation Security Administration said Monday that the department's inspector general will examine the complaints that Middle Easterners, Hispanics and blacks have been targeted in the program. The New York Times reported Sunday that 32 TSA officers at Logan made the complaints.
The chat-down program at Boston and Detroit airports is at the fore of TSA's effort to focus security on the riskiest passengers, rather than treating all travelers the same.
Under the year-old program, officers pose casual questions to all passengers before they screen their carry-on bags to look for deception or hostility that could lead to more interrogation.


I got news for you - anytime DHS or TSA asks me anything, they're going to get hostility and deception. They may eventually get what they want from me but I'm gonna make the motherfuckers work for it.


  1. "There is no place for racial or ethnic profiling in our security policies, period," Keating says. "These are serious accusations that urgently need to be investigated."

    BS Here lies the problem. The TSA has been hitting up toddlers, Grandmas, CMH heroes, and invalids with this tools philosophy. Profiling is very successful in Israel. The TSA blatant violation of the 4th amendment in the Bill of Rights is another way the government is taking away our rights.

    FUCK Obama

  2. TSA: "Are you traveling alone?"
    Buck: "Fuck you."
    TSA: "Sir, your hostile attitude will result in more invasive inspections.""
    Buck: "Double fuck you with a cherry on top. Fuck you sideways."

  3. Damn right !,fuck em make em work for it.Chicken shit bastard`s.

  4. "Under the year-old program, officers pose casual questions to all passengers before they screen their carry-on bags to look for deception or hostility that could lead to more interrogation."

    I ain't defending the TSA by any means, but:

    According to the Israeli Security folks "Profiling" & the "casually questioning" of passengers while in line waiting for the dreaded trip thru security,is not only the best way to nail terrorists and leave us innocent folks alone, IT'S THE ONLY WAY to insure terrorists are stopped before they get lucky!


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