
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A surprising twist? It's fucking Berkeley, dumbass!

In a surprising twist, the Berkeley City Council voted unanimously Tuesday night to decline requests from U.S. immigration officials to apply more stringent detention rules to arrested individuals depending on citizenship status.
Advocates in attendance said the council made a landmark policy decision believed to be the most comprehensive and definitive in the nation as far as refusing altogether to cooperate with a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) program to detain and potentially deport non-citizens who are arrested.
The decision will, at least initially, have a limited impact given that the vast majority of these individuals ultimately are turned over to county agencies that do cooperate with the feds. Advocates said they believe, however, that the decision will have a ripple effect throughout the state to convince other jurisdictions to take a similar stand.
More at


  1. AND- I hope that the people of Bezerkly will understand our (the rest of the US) reluctance to spend our tax Dollars on a city that goes out of it's way to pander to perverts, pedophiles and the general Anti-American aura you get anywhere down wind of your city.


  2. More and more the American Union is taking shape. No boarders with Mexico and Canada. There can be no other explanation for this stuff taking place all over instigated by the Elitists.

  3. Wrench - Agree about Mexico, but have you crossed the U.S./Canada border lately. It's like an encounter with the gestapo - going both ways!

    I cross quite often and it baffles me what their concern can possibly be with a 52 year old clean cut white guy. It's like they are protecting all that is holy, while I must have some evil intent! Meanwhile, the Mexican border is wide open to illegal immigrants and terrorists! WTF!

  4. This article is bad enough, but read the comments below it from a berekley citizen. It's kind of like the topping on stupid.


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