
Friday, October 19, 2012

Hey, I couldn't come up with 5 bills right now myself.

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A survey of about 1,100 Americans finds that more than 4-in-10 respondents admit they don’t have more than $500 in readily accessible savings.
The survey is a kind of departure for, a website that compares credit card deals. Not respondents all were poor. Some had big houses, big mortgages or 401(k)s, but still no more than five Benjamins to rub together right now.


  1. Nice avitar by the way. I dated a redhead once. Never again.

  2. Love the Profile pic girl ~grinning~ ;-)

  3. I'm sorry wc. You know what they say, you can sleep with a blonde, you can sleep with a brunette, but you'll never get any sleep with a redhead. ;-)

    Thank you MissK.

  4. Many I was dirt poor until I was about 38 years old, then I started a small biz. From day one, I started putting away cash.

    When you are broke you can very easily become a victim. You get no respect.

    A friend of mine once said, that a dollar was a 'freedom' ticket'. the more you have the freer you are. It is true. you can't go far or do much when you have no dough, when you have a lot of dough, you can go almost anywhere and do almost anything.

    I have been poor and I have been rich. Rich is way better.

  5. John Henry - Agree fully. I've been rich 3 times, and while I get off on the struggle to get back up after each blow, the freedom and lack of worry on top is tough to beat!

    With coin in yer pocket you never have to answer to anyone. That is freedom!

  6. 45% are afraid they will never be able to save. That just about matches the number of folks on food stamps. Sad indeed. AE

  7. My mom always said to have a minimum of two months worth of house payments put away. Preferably six months. I don't think I'll have that until the damn thing is paid off!

  8. It is a sad reality. I never knew we were poor when I was a kid. Never went hungry or without clothes but mom & dad struggled for years.Dad landed a great job at Mack trucks but they stayed frugal. Mom taught me the power of saving and have always saved something out of every check. Went into business for myself in the1980 and have made a great living, never forgetting to save and always paid my bills on time.
    Folks, they only way to get ahead in this world is if you are in charge of your own destiny. Some get lucky and land great paying jobs without formal education. One of the best thing I did in the late 1970's was buying a set of self improvement cassette tapes by Earl Nightingale and Zig Zigler. In my mid thirties I attended night classes at a local community college. Both of these gave me the confidence to peruse my dreams of self employment. I have made mistakes but each are life lessons to note and not repeat. My only fear is the government will rob me in my retirement years.


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