
Monday, October 29, 2012

I for one am disappointed in the media

Sitting here this morning watching Hurricane Sandy coverage, I was kinda sorta worried about my friends on the east coast. Then I noticed that the reporter was leaning with the wind instead of against it and the coastal vegetation was barely bending. Judging by the motion of the plants, I figured the wind speed to be a steady 15-20 mph. That's all.
Not saying that it isn't going to  get worse, much worse, but really, trying to make a current situation seem worse than what it really is by we-think-you're-fucking-stupid tricks like leaning with the wind to make it look stronger than what it is? Fuck, if I  was shooting in that wind I would just adjust for wind drift and continue to hunt.
Okay, now I'm seeing a shot from a different station in the same area and what do you know, the reporter is standing straight up without a struggle. People are clowning behind the reporter and I cannot see a single child or small dog being tumbled down the beach.
Reporter #2's reality just cancelled out #1's drama.


  1. The brown nosers need to get the dictators malfeasance off of the front page anyway they can.

    Storm? Good as any...

  2. A fun little toy for tracking hurricanes and other suck-like weather patterns:

  3. I for one am disappointed in you, wc, for taking the media seriously and not knowing that they're full of shit. ;-)

  4. If the people clowning were doing that headache inducing Gangnam Style dance, that was in Virginia Beach. My grandfather farts harder than the wind has been blowing around here.

  5. It's erly. This mf'er gonna get a lot worse.

  6. Living in south central PA, I can attest that the cricks are rising fast. Torrentrial l downpours since around 9 am. Wind now picking up and hoping the cold front stays to the west. Don't need no snow yet. Got generator ready and marine batteries charged with inverter wired. Water stored and provisions ready... Part of preping plan started a year ago. We expect power outages here.

  7. Northern Virginia report:
    Raining 'bout 23 hours. Wind peaking at 45+ mph. Worst to come tonight or tomorrow morning. Flooding along Potomac and tributaries.
    Dad is in western PA and getting snow. Also flooding.

  8. California report:
    Sunny and 81 degrees. Might have to put on a sweater.

  9. Texas report, sunny and 75, big ole full moon. AC on.

  10. Maine report (coastal): Occasional rain (like for 2 minutes). Wind gusts at 43 mph, blowing 48 mph near the Zumba studio(there's a whole lot of one-liners you all could do with that). Some coastal flooding expected at high tide. Winds expected to diminish by a.m. 63 degrees today. No clue what it is now 'cause I'm not moving my butt from this chair to go look. The heat isn't on, and that's all I care about.

    No biggie here.

    WC: You in a sweater? Please tell me you don't wear it around your neck like Tom Brady.


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