
Monday, October 29, 2012

Okay, I've never been THAT fucked up.

DENVER - Officers responding to complaints of a foul smell in a south Denver apartment building made a gruesome yet bizarre discovery earlier this month.

Inside the apartment they found a woman's decomposing body slumped on a chair. Next to the body was a Great Dane, which appeared to be guarding the body, according to a search warrant affidavit obtained by 7NEWS.
The woman's husband was also inside, sitting on a chair in the same room, the affidavit said.

When they asked the man how long the woman had been dead, he replied, "She's not dead. She's fine," according to the affidavit. The man appeared to be either intoxicated or "out of sorts," the affidavit said.
 The deceased woman has been identified as 32-year-old Michaela Beth Ford. The man was identified as her husband Steven Ford.

Neighbors said they wondered what was up when they noticed a bad smell coming from Apt. 308.
"The hallway kind of started to smell weird, but it's like, you live in an apartment building. A million different people live around here," neighbor Andrew Cosgrove said.
Police said the woman appeared to have been dead more than 10 days and her body was in an advanced state of decomposition.
A maintenance manager said he saw the husband coming and going during the previous two weeks, going to the liquor store, but had not seen the wife.
Ford has not been charged and police are apparently continuing their investigation, although they had no comment on the case on Sunday.

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