
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Oh good God......

Look at all those redheaded females. That place is going to explode in violence at any moment.
I do see a few males in there but they're probably gay and as unpredictable as the females. In any case they're outnumbered severely, so for their own safety they need to follow the crowd.


  1. ...then the sun came out and the whole block exploded into flame.

    As a dark-haired ginger, I try not to associate myself with the Bozo gingers. I'm a daywalker, in that I can tan slightly without instantly dying of cancer.

  2. Be a helluva place to spend your vacation....

  3. My view of heaven.
    My view of hell is the same, except they're all frigid.

  4. Anyone ever tell ya a blonde was just a red head with the fire fucked out of her ?. It's true, there ain't a bull in Texas that can buck like one of these babe's on a good night !.

  5. This was actually a demonstration photo used by scientists at Los Alamos to explain the power of the bomb to civilians...

    Still, what a way to go.

  6. I've had nightmares like that.
    Wet dreams too!

  7. A group photo for gingers. Not a soul showed.


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