
Saturday, December 01, 2012

For a Patriotic cause, I hope?

ATLANTA (AP) — Federal authorities were hunting Friday for more than 100 rifles stolen from a boxcar parked in an Atlanta train yard.
The weapons were taken from a CSX rail yard on the city's northwest side in mid-November, said Richard Coes, a spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.
The weapons include assault rifles that Coes described as "AK-style." He declined to discuss other aspects of the case.
Gary Sease, a spokesman for rail line CSX Corp., said the Jacksonville, Fla.-based company is cooperating with law enforcement to recover the weapons and investigate the theft.
"When any crime occurs, but especially any crime involving safety, we prosecute those responsible to the fullest extent of the law and work in close cooperation with partners in law enforcement agencies," Sease said.
The rifles were stolen on or around Nov. 12, authorities said. The boxcar was parked at the CSX Tilford Yard, about four miles northwest of downtown Atlanta.
The Tilford Yard is one of the company's major rail yards in Georgia, according to the company's website.


  1. oh they will blame someone

    bet it was a inside job kinda like stuff getting misplaced on loading docks everywhere

    maybe there weren't any guns to begin with maybe this is just a step in their agenda to promote gun ban


  2. So they disappeared, hmmm, wonder when they'll start turning up in Mexico or some mooslim country...........

  3. thinking the Fulton County Mau-Maus are responsible ....

    the white boys got theirs already

  4. Good to see you back Kenny. No doubt these will be found at several convenient tragedies. Calls for banning shortly after.

  5. Ya, a plain old box car setting in a railroad yard with AK's in them. What are the chances that someone just blundered upon them. Bullshit. Bullscrap and horses shit. In that order...

  6. .BTW, what dumbass would ship AK's by rail. Come on, get real.

  7. I used to hop freight out of that yard. Security was super lax. We rode with shipments of munitions, high explosives, all sorts of crazy stuff. Tilford and Inman have miles of borders, no lights, no cameras. Totally not surprised.


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