
Sunday, December 02, 2012

How High's The Water, Mama?

That's Lisa's nephew Jesse out trying to clear a fucking drain near his place about 4-5 blocks from here.
We've only gotten about 3 inches, maybe 4 in the past 3 days but our yearly total up to this point was .87" of rain. No rain for months and months and then a deluge, and that fucking water is going to sit on that hardpan instead of soaking in. Not only that but it's flatter than a motherfucker around here so it's got nowhere to run to.
I was giving some serious thought to sandbagging around the patio door earlier as I was watching the water inch closer and closer but it's slowly receding now that the rains have taken a break.

And how many of you can give me the next line of the song in the title?


  1. "% feet high and rising..."

  2. We'll give you credit for the mis-key Fred, and you're absolutely right.
    3 feet high and rising......

  3. I want to see you in hip-waders. ;-)

  4. Wow. Blast from the past. I haven't heard that song in years. I'm going to have to look it up on YouTube. They sure as hell don't play that on the radio nowadays.

    Keep your powder dry.


  6. We've gotten about 1.2" in the last 10 days.

    Not as bad as you got hammer, Kenny, but the wife tells me there's more coming in.

    I'm down on the Equator for work, and where we are, it's pretty dry.

  7. Whats Rain, we never see that in Texas..seen it Snow once

  8. I always sang "6 feet high and rising".ypouio

  9. I believe the depth went deeper as the song went on. Just sayin'.


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