
Saturday, January 05, 2013

A fucking liberal would've tried to pet it

Talk about fearless - that motherfucker was pissed!


  1. How about big brass balls coated in stupidtonium. "I don't want any of you" as he circles the fucker a couple times.

  2. The poor thing was probably exhausted in the first place. I wonder if messing with a trappers set is legal where this is? Cool, but very stupid. Trust me, I've been in the hospital for messing with dangerous animals. I didn't say I wasn't stupid, now did I?

  3. I assumed it was their trap set and they had mistakenly trapped the bobcat.

  4. Geeez...wait'll the PETAphiles see this.....

  5. I caught a big bobcat with a landing net inside a Sam's Club Warehouse on the job one time. Kitty had wandered in through those plastic strips they hang over bay doors so forklifts can drive through? Ended up running around in the store with all the customer's shopping....

    Once we netted it, I had my partner stand on the handle of the net while I slid a ketchpole under the rim to get a loop around it so we could get it outside the store and into the truck for relocation.

    Bobcats resist this procedure.

    As we exited the store some of the customers applauded us. Some Booed us, because they thought we were being mean to the kitty cat. One of the many times I've resisted the urge to fire off the bird at the public during the workday.

  6. Love it!!!

  7. Gotta say, I wouldn't of continued fucking with it after it was free!
    Bobcats are some mean and utterly fearless SOBs!

  8. Now that was one mean pussy cat.

  9. TomR armed in TexasJanuary 6, 2013 at 2:26 PM

    I hate traps like that. Anyway, Mr Snarl and Hiss is off to fuck with rats and snakes.


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