
Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Whiney Li'l Bitch and his knife

Well, the Whiney Li'l Bitch got his knife today, the one I posted about HERE last week, after being off for about 10 days due to one of his many ailments and hurts and pains.
That sonofabitch opened it up, took a double take at the blade and his jaw dropped as everybody around him started laughing.
I figured I could outrun him with him being all crippled up, but what I didn't think about was how fast that motherfucker could lunge - damned near laid my Carhartt open, missed me by about 2 inches.
"You know I ain't paying you for this, right? I want my money back" I told him no problem, it was well worth his reaction.
He came up a little later and finally saw the humor in it and told me, "Well, at least I got something to remember you by when the feds shoot you to doll rags."
Shit, I figured my memory would be enough. But I'm still watching my back around him for a while.


  1. See? And you thought nothing good was going to happen today. ;-)

  2. I guess that proves you got the inscription right - whiny little bitches can't take a joke, if they are the butt of it!


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