
Monday, April 20, 2020

California to ban masks and gloves in 3... 2... 1...

The rise in disposable face masks and gloves being used to prevent the spread of coronavirus is adding to the glut of plastic pollution threatening the health of oceans and marine life, environmentalists warn.


  1. My lady and I went for a walk in the park next door, we had been around the paved jogging path (Yes, paths in parks in Massachusetts are paved) so many times since the quarantine started we decided to 'branch' off onto one of the 'nature trails' following the shore of the pond.
    We were both disgusted by the amount of masks and latex gloves we found (only one condom) littering the forest floor. Why would someone walk into the middle of a forest wearing a mask and gloves, and why having reached that spot would they peel off their PPE?

    People suck.

  2. Wondering when we have to do multi person hand washing to save water.


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