
Monday, April 20, 2020

Oh for Pete's sake, make up your fucking minds

Heads up, consumers: When running the essential errand that is grocery shopping during the coronavirus epidemic in the U.S., there’s no need to wipe down the food packaging after you’ve returned home, according to a federal agency.


One day you read one thing, the next day they say never mind.
My shopping habits haven't changed. I still bring shit into the house when I come home. If I were to do as they said a week ago and leave it on the porch for 24 hours, the fucking RACcoons would have a field day, not to mention that asshole dog Jack.


  1. "One day you read one thing, the next day they say never mind."

    Well, yeah. Bearing in mind that at least half the rules/guidelines/fiats are ordered by people who have no common sense, much less any scientific or medical background. By this I mean the majority of politicians. "Bu they have experts to advise them!" I can hear someone saying.

    Well, first of all, there is no guarantee that a supposedly expert advisor is an expert. Second, many people who ARE experts are not heard from, whereas those who specialize in self-promotion are. Third, even supposing by some miracle an actual subject matter expert is found, by the time the actually useful recommendation gets to the public, it's been warped all out of shape by political expedience and catering to special interest groups.

    Now I have to go pick up a take out pizza at a local (non chain) shop because I'm trying to throw some money at small businesses. And I have to put on a damned facemask (even though there is no one on the streets) because the town is full of and run by people whose defining characteristic is paranoid aggression.

  2. All this is, is a dry run for more socialism. Yeah, go ahead laugh....but ya know what.....just check to see how far you let your liberties slip during this CONdemic!


    1. Nobody with a couple of functioning brain cells is laughing. If they are, they won't be the next time a Democrat takes CONtrol of the White House.

  3. Shutting everything down is a wet dream for the greens as well. They seem to think that there won't be any consequences. All the stuff they buy in the shops grows on a magic tree. The good news is that there will be consequences and the hard of thinking are going to see the results of green and lefty ideas up close and personal.

  4. The same idiots that say not to wash chicken before cooking, might spread germs around the kitchen. I worked maintenance at a chicken plant, you better be washing your chicken.


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