
Monday, April 20, 2020

What's happening to my Country?

When did my country become the land of the weak and the home of the terrified? When did my great country come to applaud bestowing honor and merit upon those who strive to destroy us from within? I’m speaking about the de facto martial law, nefarious governors are arbitrarily and capriciously using to deprive us of our God-given freedoms and Constitutional rights. It doesn’t matter who disagrees with me; I am convinced that what we are experiencing is a trial run for even more draconian measures.


  1. Where’s Congress....? Where’s the House....? Where’s the Senate....? Where’s the Republicans and/or the Democrats....? I thought they were our leaders......SO LEAD......! ! !

    Personally I think they’re scared sh1tless that they’ll catch the WuHan Coronavirus and karma will get them.


    1. Ed, the truth is they don't know wtf to do. They are lucky we have a leader in the WH.


  2. Your country is turning to shit because we forgot we had a duty to keep it...We thought the good times would just keep rolling without any maintenance or cleaning out the sewage...We didn't stand together we each went our separate ways because of all the brainwashing we endured of racism, sexism, bigotry etc...

  3. They've been cultivating weak and compliant minds for generations.
    I believe this is an exercise in societal control, and it's going pretty damn well for them.
    If they decide it's going well enough, and has enough momentum it may become the main event.

  4. I agree 100 percent. Please don't make the Racontuer Report cry.

  5. But the Racontuer Report will be upset.

  6. You will upset aesop

  7. I used to subscribe to Mychal Massie. His point is usually solid and right on and always spoke the truth. But he was 'out there' a bit too often for me. Here, he speaks the truth. The People need to rise up en masse to put those tin pot dictators down.

    The other Rick

  8. What I mean is sometimes it seemed he liked listening to himself, it was that which was the subject of my objection. Certainly it wasn't his faith which I support.

    That our country has gotten this way is what John Adams had in mind when he spoke of a virtuous people. Such a people would not even dream, let alone attempt, of half the shit the commies have pursued with unbridled lust.

    The other Rick

  9. I agree with everything the author says about Fauci and I have been saying it for weeks on various blogs that I visit. Fauci is a power hungry ego maniac. Why else would a 78 year old man STILL BE ON THE JOB, a job he's failed at miserably, in the case of pandemic preparedness. Just look at his record in having various components of the "national stockpile" replenished when they got used up during the Obuttface administration. Why wasn't he going to CONgress back then to plead his case for rebuilding it? No, he'd rather bash President Trump, BEHIND his back, at every opportunity via the ABCBSNBCNN's of the world. Fauci's job is to SAVE LIVES. Yet, when a world renowned epidemiologist from France published a peer reviewed study on chloroquine as a life saving therapy, Fauci, in his infinite wisdom discounted it FOR DAYS going so far as to label President Trump calling for it to be tried, the ravings of a dangerous mad man. Fauci's reticence at wanting to try it are the mark of a man who wouldn't get credit for discovering the therapy. You can bet your azz that if it had been Obuttface saying it should be tried, Fauci would have been 110% in favor of it. If I were President Trump, I'd have dribbled Fauci down Pennsylvania Avenue after the very first time he contradicted me in public. The reason he hasn't fired him is because CONgress would probably impeach him for it, even though President Trump is well within his right as President to do so. Rest assured that before President Trump's second term expires, Fauci will be relieved.


    Fauci is nothing but a partisan deep state Demonrat bureaucrat that is well past his sell by date.

    1. When all of this settles down to a dull roar, I want President Trump to publicly fire Fauci and Whatserface.

  10. I have heard all the boo hoo stories ad nauseum of this or that person dieing. I agree that all the deaths are terrible but where is all the sympathy during a regular flu season where thousands also die? I too am in fear of what is happening to my country that I spent 20 years in the military for.

  11. I believe the virus was a convenient excuse to impose a quarantine and clamp down on the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong and that were probably spreading to the mainland. China showed the worlds powers how it's done. ---tallow pot

  12. When did the country become so fucked up maybe around the time you set up the Racial Policy Center nah it was long before that...

  13. The globalists did their magic on our oil business today. They with the help of probably Goldman Sachs drove the price of American oil, not the world price of oil, no, only the WTI or American crude oil. They drove the price to worthless. The market closed with WTI at ONE PENNY per Barrel.

    No oil company is selling oil at this price. And according to lease contracts, if a company who has the right to produce the oil from the ground, but doesn't do it, they can lose that right. And if the globalists buy those rights up before the prices return, that means that the globalists will steal our crude oil. You commies might think that is great, but we all lose if that happens.

    It would be one gigantic property rights theft. The globalists are criminals and will stop at nothing to take control of this country. The entire covid-cootie thing is part of their take-over. Today they made the first shot over who will control America's oil and gas. Us or them.

    All the globalists need to die.

  14. Nemo,
    I like your point of why would a 78 year old man still be on a job that he was no good at. I can give you 3 words. Ruth Bader Ginsberg. I think she is 89 or something, she is held together with paint and bondo, and can hardly stay awake during something as important as the President addressing the nation and both houses of congress. But she won't let go of her Supreme Court job, because she is afraid her legacy will be wiped out, if Trump gets to appoint the replacement for her position.
    I have news for her, she is just one breath away from finding out if there is life after death, the same as anyone else.
    I live in Michigan, and while downstate and east, in Detroit, the liberals might like what the governor is doing, I can tell you that the rest of us have no use for Gretchen Whitless, and she better hope that she can get a different job, because she will have a tough battle the next time she has to run. Fortunately, the citizens passed term limits for state officials. The officials who run for office always say what a good idea it is, until they get elected, then they try and get it overturned in our courts, because they don't like it. That tells me that we are doing a good job.
    On another note, I paid .98cents a gallon for gas yesterday. That is almost like a tax break, except for the fact that there is no place to go, with how cold of a spring we have had.


  15. It seems like 1776 time again. Major prob now is the commie sh-ts in the education system and the cowardly sheeple that believe eveything they say are tearing down what was once a great nation.
    Now I'm not American, I'm an expat Canadian living in a land-locked South American country (that stars with P) but I always had the greatest repect for the US and especially the rank and file citizens and troops. (Not the ranking officers who are a bunch of left wing snotty sh-ts) I spent 37 years in the Canadian forces trying to do a job with gun tape and bailing wire because the officer core and the politicians whose boots they licked were too bust linng their own pockets.
    I hate to think of civil war but that's where it's the US and Canada. Go patriots on both side of the border!
    Oh....And welcome back Wirecutter...I missed you.

  16. It seems like 1776 time again. Major prob now is the commie sh-ts in the education system and the cowardly sheeple that believe eveything they say are tearing down what was once a great nation.
    Now I'm not American, I'm an expat Canadian living in a land-locked South American country (that stars with P) but I always had the greatest repect for the US and especially the rank and file citizens and troops. (Not the ranking officers who are a bunch of left wing snotty sh-ts) I spent 37 years in the Canadian forces trying to do a job with gun tape and bailing wire because the officer core and the politicians whose boots they licked were too bust linng their own pockets.
    I hate to think of civil war but that's where it's the US and Canada. Go patriots on both side of the border!
    Oh....And welcome back Wirecutter...I missed you.


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