
Monday, April 20, 2020

Crackdowns intensify across California on those violating coronavirus stay-at-home rules

Authorities across California are intensifying their crackdowns on scofflaws who are not following state and local stay-at-home orders aimed at reducing the spread of the coronavirus.

Los Angeles City Atty. Mike Feuer filed criminal charges against 10 businesses — including a massage parlor, smoke shop, car wash and print shop — saying they refused to shut down despite Mayor Eric Garcetti’s order imposed to fight the coronavirus.


  1. I'm presently in the next county over from Smell A. I don't go into that foul nest so fat chance that they would have their chance to come after me. Yet I do hope one of these petty dictators would come after me. Sue them where it hurts the most, their own pockets.

    The other Rick

  2. And of all those 79 horrible violators, exactly two were legit. An already-illegal nightclub, and the massage parlor. None of the others were at any more of a risk than grocery stores with proper precautions. Just you wait, the idiot will be crying in a few months that nobody's paying property taxes any more and the Feds need to bail him out...


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