
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Californian's Get of Jail Free Card information

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A ruling that sets bail at $0 for most misdemeanor and lower-level felonies in California must go into effect by 5 p.m. Monday.

The Judicial Council of California last week voted on the emergency order to temporarily end cash bail in some cases in an effort to reduce the inmate population and limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Those suspected of DUI, domestic violence and sex crimes are not included in the emergency order.


  1. "Those suspected of DUI, domestic violence and sex crimes are not included in the emergency order."

    That'll end about as well as the murderer they let out an a Kung Flu pass. He didn't waste any time in murdering again. Maybe what the citizens should do is transport these alleged law breakers to the judges and politicians neighborhoods so that they can ascertain just how their progressive policies affect these idiots on a personal level.


  2. They just let out 1,000 prisoners from the LA city jail at the same time they tried closing down the gun stores. Idiots!


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