
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Harvard Law Student Displays a Gun During Online Class

The incoming president of Harvard’s FedSoc chapter decided to spice up the Criminal Procedure: Adjudications Zoom lecture with a firearm, presumably to “own the libs” because that’s the only motivation for anything anymore. And of course he’s not been able to play with his metallic dick during class before since Harvard bans guns on campus. Because of the whole “mass shooting concern” thing.


  1. "It’s also pretty menacing and can induce anxiety in people who’ve had traumatic, violent experiences in the past."

    Menacing how? The class is being conducted over the ffng INTERNET. I gotta admit, I haven't read an article on TTAG in several years, probably 4-5, but if this article is typical of the ffng drivel being posted on TTAG these days, I'm glad I'm not a daily visitor anymore.


  2. For clarification, other things you should not brandish during a Zoom class: a dildo, a bloody knife, a dead hooker. . Especially a dead hooker!

  3. I read TTAG sometimes,but recently unsubscribed, articles are usually light weight and the comments section is overpopulated with snarky little pussies. Actually only a few of the commentors are bitch boys but it sucks the joy out of things.


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