
Thursday, April 30, 2020

"Daddy, why are your titties bigger than Mommy's?"

Doctors are wondering if giving men two female sex hormones could make them more likely to survive the novel coronavirus.

Across the globe, women from most countries have been less likely to become abruptly ill with the virus, and less likely to die from it.


  1. Um...I'll take my chances. All I need is more hysteria in my life.

  2. The doctors who are wondering about giving men female sex hormones need only contact the geniuses running California, whose Covid-19 dashboard claims 1% of positive cases are of unknown sex. Certainly some of those 465 people are men that want to be women and are taking female hormones in preparation of receiving their choppadickoffame.

  3. They are now. my chest is 44 and hers is 32

    Not that anyone notices

  4. Tits grow and balls shrivel up. Trannies are lining up for the shots.

  5. Side effects may include: Bitchiness, sitting down to tinkle, not knowing what to eat, nagging, wine in a box, more than 4 pairs of shoes, crying for no reason, the WE or Hallmark channel subscription, believing The View is a news source.

  6. They'd love nothing more than to estrogen up all the men and turn them into soy boy pussified wimps. Easier to control.

  7. Well this is one way the male feminists can show solidarity with their fellow-sisters. Mewbs and bleeding outta their pecker is next.

    lil jack


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