
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Fucking ayrabs.....

Muslim advocacy for drinking camel urine is back in the news, this time in connection with the coronavirus, which is especially ironic if not deadly, as will be explained. An "Islamic medicine specialist" and director of a religious-scientific institution in Iran recently called on his countrymen to drink camel urine as the "best cure" for coronavirus and other ailments.


  1. Do not stand in their way when your enemy is making a mistake

  2. Another fine example of the benefits of letting nature take its course.

  3. They serve the 90 proof Ureic acid straight, with a splash of seltzer on the rocks or neat?

  4. When I think of a downside to this I'll let ya know..... don't wait up....

    lil jack

  5. What would one expect from people where the average IQ is 90 or below and they still think they live in the stone age.


  6. Now ya see, they aren't the only ones drinking piss.

    "...Cow urine has had a more illustrious and widespread set of followers, including Mohandas Gandhi, who advocated drinking it regularly. Now championed by the right-wing Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh in modern times, cow urine is regularly hailed as everything from being a medical miracle that can cure cancer to India’s next popular drink in the form of soda. Hapless government workers in Delhi have been threatened with floors cleaned (or purified, reports were not clear) with cow urine."

  7. If a bunch of rag heads want to drink camel piss, who are we to stop them?

  8. Come on now, we shouldn't mislead our muslim brethren. It is quite well known that the most powerful virus attacker is Drano mixed with ammonia, three times a day, 37 milliliters with prayer.


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