
Thursday, April 30, 2020

I spy with your little eye...

Firms in the United States and the United Kingdom are currently developing state-of-the-art Big Brother technology that will allow private employers to track the movement of their workers under the guise of stopping coronavirus from spreading in the workplace.


  1. “It’s about transparency, accountability, data security and data minimization – not collecting more than you need.”

    ...and I've got a bridge to sell. Every time I read about this type of stuff, I have to shake my head in dismay that the people writing these stories, for the most part, have no concept of how bad this technology is for any free society.

    Yet another reason I will never have a smart phone or any phone that you can't turn off whenever the mood strikes you.



  2. That might be why they took away the ability to replace the battery. No battery, no power.

  3. Faraday cage=no signal.

    Coffee can with metallic lid=Faraday cage.

  4. Wal-Mart is already doing this and has been for years. From entering the parking lot, to everywhere in the store, to exiting the store, to leaving the parking lot, you are under constant 100% surveillance. Same same with many other retail shops.

    The other Rick


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