
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Documents show FBI debated how to handle investigation of Michael Flynn

Newly released documents about the origins of the criminal case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn show that FBI officials feared that the new Trump White House might view the bureau as “playing games” if it sought to interview him without disclosing exactly what it was up to.

The four pages of records provided to Flynn’s defense attorneys last week and unsealed on Wednesday by a federal judge reflect internal brainstorming at the FBI in January 2017 about how to approach the politically explosive investigation into Flynn’s contacts with the Russian ambassador weeks earlier, during the presidential transition.


Damn, I googled this to see if the MSM picked it up and even CNN ran a story on it.


  1. Here is a good rundown on the recent developments without the liberal slant of MSM:


  2. Notice, no one has been identified, yet, as the culprit of the hand written notes.

    My money's on Strock and no one can tell me that Wray, current FBI Director, didn't know about this. He was too far up in the food chain to not know.

    The Demonrats and the MSM are all holding their collective breath that Biden or his replacement wins the election so that all this just goes away.


    1. From the CTH....

      “....The documents today also include handwritten notes taken by FBI counterintelligence chief William “Bill” Priestap; which show him both questioning and outlining the purpose of the interview: to remove National Security Advisor Michael Flynn....”

      Oh.....just my thoughts on the Peter Strzok/Lisa Page romance......MADE UP FOR COVER.....Those two were supposedly in a “romantic relationship.” Cite one text about pillow talk or sex acts.....? I don’t think you can.


  3. Can't vouch for the validity, but this is interesting:


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