
Thursday, April 30, 2020

CHP Sued For Banning Protests At State Capitol During Pandemic

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — A new lawsuit is accusing the governor and California Highway Patrol of “abusing their power” after they banned protests at the state capitol.

The CHP made the decision after hundreds of people protested the state’s stay-at-home order last week.


  1. And in this morning's news, Governor Goodhair has decreed all California state parks and beaches are to be closed beginning tomorrow.

  2. I hope this next election cycle bring big changes across the country.

  3. For every person that realizes that the existing politicians are 99% of our problems as a country, there is another one, sitting in their mom's basement, glued to the TV and believing the propaganda....

    Be careful of 'big changes'...Obummer had big chaages in mind too.


    1. I would venture to say between the ones in mom's basement along with the every day lefties that appear to be our normal fellow citizen, it is closer to 2 - 1.
      All you need to do is see or read any dialog from them to realize we have a large section of the population that thinks, believes and acts in polar opposite to many of our shared beliefs.
      Just the number who do not understand how this country is supposed to work, with even a basic understanding of the roles, duties, obligations AND limitations of the various civic components is mind blowing. And this includes those who are supposed to be performing those functions.
      One thing I just thought of is how so many of those self important wanna be nazihunters have nothing to say against the govs enforcement agents who are just following orders. You would think they would realize the dangerous territory we are entering.

  4. CHP is who went down to Nawlins after Katrina and helped themselves to privately owned firearms. CHiPpies were filmed, faces and names shown, nothing happened to them.

    I have wondered when the lawsuits would start in CA over this.

    The other Rick

    1. Yeah. I remember about five of them dog-piling an 80-something year-old lady over a breaktop Iver Johnson revolver.


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